San Diego Comic Con – Sunday

San Diego Comic Con – Sunday

On Sunday, July 26, 2009 it was all about Dr. Who and Ghost Whisperer. I was thrilled to be able to attend the Doctor Who panel since I recently became […]

San Diego Comic Con – Saturday

San Diego Comic Con – Saturday

On Saturday, July 25, 2009…well I wanted to be front row center for Glee and Heroes, so I spent the night in line and missed all of the morning panels.Once […]

San Diego Comic Con – Friday

San Diego Comic Con – Friday

On Friday, July 24, 2009 I attended the majority of panels in Ballroom 20. The first panel in Ballroom 20 was for Stargate Universe and I have never seriously watched […]

San Diego Comic Con – Thursday

San Diego Comic Con – Thursday

On Thursday, July 23, 2009 I attended the majority of panels that were held in Hall H. First, was the Disney: 3D Panel where key filmmakers and select cast members […]

San Diego Comic Con Update

So last night was preview night at San Diego Comic Con…which is usually the only time I spend in the exhibit hall due to the incredibly packed schedule of panels […]