Since I was in San Diego for Comic Con last week, I was unable to watch Big Brother so here are my thoughts from last week’s PoV:
Russell’s blow up was out of nowhere in a sense. He talked about a strategy and then totally went against what his strategy was. Odd. As for the PoV contest, it sucked that Russell and Natalie were picked to play veto. Laura did not stand a chance. I was thrilled that Jeff won the veto. I would rather see Laura in the game longer than Jeff but I am not complaining. As far as the talk the brains and athletes had about who to backdoor, I have no idea what Jessie was talking about when he put Laura and lies in the same sentence. Ronnie set himself up for a blow I know is set to come by showing his true colors and putting up Jordan in Jeff’s place for nominations. Either could go home although Laura is a better player so it looks lie she would be the one to go home. Only time will tell!
As for food to give the have-nots…I pick cabbage and cocktail weenies since that seems like the best of the 3 options. That’s all for now!