Big Brother 11 Week Two Eviciton July 23, 2009

I really do not have a lot to say about this episode. Ronnie tried to take everyone down and in this episode, it totally backfired. Ronnie played the game too hard. Knowing how to play the game is not always a good thing…you can’t play with all your cards at once! It’s only a matter of time till Ronnie is out of the house. Now while I was glad that Ronnie was taken down, Russell harassing him every single time he left the HoH room was just plain wrong. Anyway, Laura was eliminated and I wish she could have stayed in the game longer. Getting to the HoH competition, it was crazy to see Jessie and Jeff in a tie. I was not at all happy to Jessie win HoH AGAIN. Oh my goodness. Again!!! This is ridiculous. No! This is just ridiculous.

Thankfully, I did not have to wait long for week two to pass since tonight is week three’s HoH eviction/competition! Comic Con kept me busy last week and now I am back and all caught up on BB. I just hope Jessie doesn’t win HoH every other week. Ugh what a nightmare. Not only is that terrible television but either all the other contestants are weak or they are throwing the comps. Him winning HoH more than once this early in the game should put a target on his back. The Off Beats, Jordan, Jeff, and Michele need to create an alliance against the rest of the house and start winning HoH comps every week! Time will tell.