Reviewing Big Brother 12 So Far

Reviewing Big Brother 12 So Far

Now that it’s the halfway point of Big Brother 12, I wanted to share my thoughts on all that has gone on. In the beginning of the season, as far […]

Big Brother 12 Houseguests

Big Brother 12 Houseguests

It’s that time again! You can find out who the house guests are for Big Brother 12 right here and stay tuned for my thoughts on the upcoming season. Big […]

Big Brother 11 Week 7 Nominations

Big Brother 11 Week 7 Nominations

It was great to see Jeff win HoH! I was thrilled that he won! The argument between Russell, Jordan, and Jeff was an interesting one. What Russ said in the […]

Big Brother 11 Week Six PoV, Eviction

Big Brother 11 Week Six PoV, Eviction

Kevin, Natalie, and Lydia making up a lie that Russell & Michele were aiming to split Jeff and Jordan up was too funny. It sucks that Kevin is so likable […]

Big Brother 11 Week Five Eviction

Big Brother 11 Week Five Eviction

First off, I cannot believe this episode did not really air live due to Chima’s threat to act a fool if the mystery power was used. Sore loser much? Anyway, […]