Now that it’s the halfway point of Big Brother 12, I wanted to share my thoughts on all that has gone on.
In the beginning of the season, as far as first impressions go, I was not a fan of Annie. She seemed like someone who didn’t need much to get her off once angry – (fast forward to this week and it turns out that person is Britney). Although once Annie was introduced as the first saboteur of the season, I was actually kind of thrilled. It wasn’t until that point that I kind of wanted her to stay. Too bad Hayden as HoH and the rest of the house didn’t knock out the showmance early on by evicting Rachel instead of Annie since Brendon won the veto and took himself off the block…making Hayden put up Annie in his place. It’s so funny how the house could have gotten Rachel out the very first week but chose to evict Annie. It’s so funny how things change from week to week in the house.
As for week two, I knew that Britney was snarky but I didn’t realize that there wasn’t an off switch. She reminds me of myself and my sisters times 10. She’s a very smart girl and if there is any female that I am rooting for in this game, it would be her but I just do not see the reason to be so snarky all of the time. Still, I was glad that she won the POV, Rachel put Matt up in her place, and Monet was evicted in the end. Monet didn’t seem like she was playing the game, hence taking up space so au revoir!
Week 3 was kind of shocking since Matt went against his alliance, “The Brigade” which consists of Matt, Enzo, Hayden, and Lane. I’m surprised there wasn’t a fallout amongst this alliance over Matt’s decision. Matt is good at persuasion. Clearly, Matt is doing his own thing, while sitting pretty in a comfortable alliance. He could definitely make it in the final two. So he nominated Andrew and Kathy instead of the showmance, Brendon and Rachel. Of course he left the nominations the same since the house wanted Matt to backdoor one of them. Andrew was evicted and as far as I am concerned, that’s a good thing. He seemed like a good guy but at times he seemed too frazzled and some of the things that he did on the live feed were questionable. So, it was nice to see him go before he did something unforgivable. His goodbye speech sure shook the house.
Andrew didn’t leave without dropping the news of Hayden and Kristen’s showmance. These two kept their romance very under the radar, so there was some shock amongst the house guests. I hadn’t read what was going on in the live feeds lately, so I was unaware of the growing tension between Rachel and Kristen. As far as I knew, they were the best of friends. That changed quickly. With Rachel winning HOH (again) and putting the new showmance on the block, the game was on! Showmance vs. showmance. Britney is a firecracker at the POV competitions and won again. She will definitely be a target once the showmances are evicted. But anyway, she won and kept the nominees the same, so Kristen was sent home packing. I am so glad that it was Kristen because Hayden definitely deserved to stay. It took Kristen far too long to start campaigning for her to stay, so she did not deserve to stay.
Rachel handed back HoH to Matt this week and if someone doesn’t win HoH besides these guys next week, I am going to scream! At this point, the Brachel showmance is just annoying and not just annoying but the most annoying showmance on Big Brother. So thankfully these two were nominated again, Britney won POV (surprise, surprise) and kept the nominees the same. With Rachel out of the house and the first member of the jury house and with Brendon as the new HoH…it will be interesting to see how things work out for Brendon. Brendon has been a complete douche bag the past two weeks, and he seems dead set on revenge in the name of Rachel. I don’t understand the logic of playing for Rachel’s best interests instead of his when Rachel isn’t in the house anymore! He has her vote if he somehow made it to the final two no matter what he did, since she wouldn’t know what he did until after the fact. He needs to get the crazy out of his head and re-evaluate how he is playing this game. Otherwise, next week, he is gone.
As for the others, I would have to say that I loved Ragan right off the bat and hope that the Brigade doesn’t toss him out…or should I say that I hope Ragan wins HoH – and during the week of the double eviction so that he could get two of the Brigade members out to better his chances of getting further in the game. I have no idea when the double eviction is. It could be this week. I hope it’s not this week, but if it is, I’m sure Ragan is safe. It’s fun to see Ragan as the new saboteur! He is entertaining America very much! Go Ragan! Then there’s Kathy who’s a sweet lady and I really would like her to win some amount of money at this point. But it seems her only game plan is to be weak. I hope she has more planned than that, because she has been on the block before and that should really make her re-evaluate things. As for those in the Brigade, I am rooting for Enzo the most since he’s from Jersey and I’m from Jersey and he’s cool. go Enzo!
So that’s my review on the show so far. I am looking forward to more drama, drama not associated with showmances! Then the game can really get interesting!
Big Brother 12 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS. Catch the live feed on Showtime after midnight everyday and catch the 24/7 live feed online.