CBS Statement Regarding Chima on Big Brother: “Chima has been evicted by the producers from the Big Brother house for violating the rules. She will not be part of the show’s jury. Her eviction will be addressed on an upcoming broadcast of the show.”
Regarding the comment above…Since I wanted Chima or Natalie evicted this week, Chima leaving the house was fine. Is this the first time in BB history a house guest has been asked to leave? How embarrassing that must be for Chima, if she is a huge BB fan. Or maybe how cool? I don’t know? She’ll go down in history for not taking any BS no matter what the consequences and for that, got to give props where props are due.
Anyway, I can’t believe what Natalie said about the bad people getting rewarded and the good people going down…I agree with what she said but she is not on the good side so what was she talking about? What was up with Jessie dissing Kevin when he left? Jeff is right when he says that Jessie was walking to the final four and by evicting him, Jeff opened up the door for more of an equal chance of winning. Funny how now that Jessie is gone, Lydia and Natalie are all buddy buddy. The girls mourning over someone who would have won over them, heck nominated & evicted them….those girls are crazy. Anyway…as far as nominees go…Michele’s nominees were exactly what I wanted! Although since Chima is already out of the house, I wonder who is nominated in her place or if there is a new HoH. Only time will tell what went down since Chima’s exit.
As for the food competition this week…some of the have not food choices were actually not that bad. Eating have not food for only Monday was great! For the have not food for the next competition, I choose Churros and Chitlins.
I can’t wait until Tuesday night!