While I stopped blogging Week 7 about each and every episode (very busy), I still have been watching every episode and the BB 11 season finale was incredible! I want to talk about all that I have not yet blogged about first…In week 7 I left off blogging at nominations. Well, Jeff won PoV, replaced Kevin with Russell and that Thursday night, Russ left. I was both happy and upset when in week 7, Russell was evicted because he seemed like he could have been a great ally to Jeff’s alliance but at the same time, he would do anything to win so I was more happy that he left. Although that was a big game changer…as Jeff’s decisions for the week affected him in Week 8 when Kevin won HoH and nominated Jeff and Michele.
Michele won the PoV, took herself off the block, and Kevin replaced her with Jordan. I don’t think any viewer ever wanted to see Jeff & Jordan up against each other. It was so hard to face the fact that Jeff was going home since he played a much better game than Jordan, but as I was rooting for both of them…it was just nice to know that one of them would still be in the house and possibly win the game!
So as Jeff went out the door this week, Natalie won HoH…which is the last thing that I wanted. While I was not at all pleased, she has played a good game and deserves to win HoH at this point. Nominating Kevin & Michele was interesting…I still don’t know why she nominated Kevin. I really don’t understand why Michele & Jordan would ever think that Natalie was on their side. Thankfully, Kevin won the PoV but that meant that Jordan went up on the block in his place. Has Jordan been the house guest to go on the block the most this season cause it sure feels like it. She obviously isn’t the main target so Michele was next evicted. It was disappointing to see only one person left in Jeff’s alliance. Although it was exciting to look at it from the point of view that someone from this alliance made it to the final 3. Now it comes down to who would wins the competitions and who will bring who to the final 2.
So getting to the Season Finale…
While I really wanted Kevin and Jordan to make it to the final two…Jordan and Natalie were the final two of this season. I was laughing when Kevin officially found out that Natalie was not 18 since he had unofficially came to that conclusion early on in the game. I was thrilled that Jeff won the prize money, as I voted for him! I either wanted Jeff or Casey to win, so that was exciting that one of my choices won. As for the winner of BB, I was surprised and thrilled that Jordan won. I didn’t want Natalie to win but surely, Natalie played a much better game than Jordan did. However, Natalie burned too many bridges for that to even matter. Congratulations Jordan and best of luck with managing your half million dollars and blessing your family with a house, etc… Thank you America for voting for Jordan to win! I can’t wait until next season!