Big Brother 11 Week Five Eviction

First off, I cannot believe this episode did not really air live due to Chima’s threat to act a fool if the mystery power was used. Sore loser much? Anyway, again, it was fun watching everyone talk about who they thought had the mystery power. It was incredibly amazing the reactions the house guests gave when Jeff stood up and took both Lydia & Russell off the block and put Natalie and Jessie up for eviction. It was so tense in the house, I loved it! To know that one of them was going home was great.

As for their speeches…Jessie said that he was loyal to everyone. Really? Was he? Natalie was, I’ll give her that but I don’t know about Jessie. It’s kind of funny that Jessie had a second chance at this game and only made it one week farther than the last time. At least he made it to the jury house? That’s a question because I am not so sure if it is a good thing yet. As far as the HoH comp goes, worst case scenario would be Chima winning again and putting up Russell and Jeff or Jeff and Jordan. Although she didn’t make it in the HoH game, so that was fine. I could not believe that Michele or Kevin would become the HoH…they haven’t really gotten their hands dirty compared to other house guests. I wanted Kevin to win HoH because I don’t know where Michele’s head is at. I hope that she nominates Natalie and Chima or back doors one of them. Since Thursday is a double eviction, both could end up going home. Only time will tell what happens!