It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Books I’ve Read So Far This Year. I chose to include five instead of ten as I’m saving my other five choices for the halfway mark post for my Insane Book & Movie Challenge which will be up on the 21st!
1. The Unbound by Victoria Schwab
It’s no surprise this book is on my list. I love everything Victoria Schwab writes and the sequel to The Unbound was no exception!
2. Code Name Verity by Elizbeth Wein
The only reason why it took me so long to read this book is because of my hesitation towards historical fiction. I’m very picky when it comes to historical fiction and even then I still hesitate but I finally took the plunge and read this and am so glad that I did! Also, funny story, I was going through my signed BEA books the other day and realized that while Elizabeth and I were talking, after she moved my post it to the side to autograph the book, she looked at the wrong post it and now I have a book autographed to Cathy instead of Melody! Hahaha!!! But I don’t care because I asked her to write “Kiss me, Hardy!” in it and she did and it’s there and that’s all that matters!
3. The Giver by Lois Lowry
For some bizarre reason, I never read The Giver in school. This didn’t sit well with me. So I finally read it and wow! One of my favorite classics ever! If you didn’t read this in school and have yet to read it, what are you waiting for?
4. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
I was so taken with The Giver that I had to read something else by Lois Lowry and this story still sits fresh in the front of my mind and probably always will.
5. Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
Tahereh Mafi is one of my favorite wordsmiths so anything she writes will always be on some sort of list of mine. I talked about how much I loved Ignite Me in my review but long story short, this was a wonderful conclusion to the Shatter Me series. No matter what I think about what happened in the book, I respect the decisions that were made and absolutely love, love, love the writing. The writing. The writing is out of this world.
What are your favorite reads of the year so far?
I hesitated on CODE NAME VERITY a little too, even though I like historical fiction, but I'm really glad I finally read it. Glad you enjoyed it as well.
Happy TTT!
Great books, I love Lois Lowry's books! I really like your choices!
Fab list! I haven't read The Unbound yet, but I"ll be reading Vicious soon. I need to catch up with Tahereh Mafi's books too! I've only read Shatter Me. My kid read The Giver in school this year, but I still haven't. Glad to hear you enjoyed it!
Hope there are lots more good books coming your way for the second half of the year 🙂
I actually haven't read any of these, but The Giver and Code Name Verity are up at the top of my TBR list!
My husband had never read The Giver and is reading that now. Have you read Divergent, which reminded me of it.
Yes, CODE NAME VERITY was so worth reading! Must read!
Very glad I finally started reading Lois Lowry! Love her books!
Must read Schwab and Mafi's books asap! They're AMAZING.
Yes, loved Divergent and Insurgent! I'm nervous about Allegiant so I still haven't read it but I will push myself to pick this up from my shelf soon. 🙂