Hourglass Read-a-Long Part 3

It’s time for part three (chapters 28-40) of the Hourglass Read-a-long! Stay tuned for part four tomorrow. If you missed it, be sure to check out part one and part two!

1) We learned that there are many different kinds of abilities. Time travel is just one of them. If you could have any ability you could imagine, what would you choose and why? How would you use your ability?
Every time I answer this question, I change my mind so I’m not quite sure what ability I’d like. I guess I’d rather just wait and see what I’d get.

2) In chapter 29th Thomas asked Emerson if the way she feels about Michael has anything to do with why she’s helping him, risking her own life. Emerson denied. Do you think she was being honest? Do you think she would feel the same about the whole time travelling business if she wasn’t so attracted to Michael?
I think Emerson was being as honest as she believed she was being. Sometimes people don’t see the whole truth until later on. So in this moment, this is her truth but in the future, I think she’ll realize her connection to him did play a part in her decision making. As for Michael and time travel, I don’t see how her feelings for Michael connect with the facts of time travel that Emerson is learning about. Sure, Michael might be making it easier for her to consume the information but whether or not Michael’s in the picture, Em has to come to terms with time travel and her part in it.

3) The mysterious Jack is a big question mark. Not a rip but not exactly a time-traveler either. Any guesses who he really is and what his business with Emerson is?
I believe Jack is on Em’s side so I’ll be pretty bummed if it turns out he’s not.

4) Enters Kaleb – hot, swoon-worthy, charming, cocky. Do you think there’s a chance Emerson will fall for him? Who do you like better – Kaleb or Michael?
Given the connection Em has with Michael, I’m pretty sure Kaleb is not a love interest. Just because Kaleb is charming doesn’t mean he can’t be a charming friend. I don’t want to look into something that isn’t there. I don’t get a love triangle vibe here and I’m hoping it stays that way. The story itself is interesting enough without one.

To buy Hourglass by Myra McEntire, click here.


  1. Great point about how people don't see the whole truth until later on. Hindsight being 20/20 and all!

    REALLY looking forward to seeing your reaction to all that went down in the last few chapters, based on your responses here 🙂