Remember the Hourglass Read-a-long I participated in last month? Well, revisions got the best of my time but I am going to finish what I started so I am back with part two (chapters 13-27) and will post parts three and four tomorrow and Saturday. If you missed part one, it’s here.
1. We learned more about Emerson and Michael’s abilities to travel through time. What do you make of their abilities and connections? How do you see this playing out with the plans they have for the Hourglass Institute?
I love their abilities (I definitely get the X-Men vibe, which I love and also see these characters side by side with the Spirit Hunters from Something Strange & Deadly or Juliette and many others from Shatter Me) but I’m not exactly a romantic, so their connection to each other doesn’t really add anything on for me. I am looking forward to that changing though and seeing the pros and cons of their connection to each other as more of the story plays out.
2. I really liked this one, taken from Egmont’s discussion guide: “Is there an event in your life that you would like to go back and change? Knowing the consequences that come from changing the past, would you still want to try to change the event? Why or why not?”
Part of me wants to say yes but the other part of me looks back on life and really, nothing is that terrible that I need to change it. Plus, if I change the past, I may not learn certain things I could have only had an aha! moment in those situations. I don’t want to make those lessons even harder. How about I just focus on making today and my future the best it can be instead of taking chances on changing the past? I’ll pass on the past.
3. In Michael’s apartment, Emerson was able to touch Jack’s “body” without making him disappear, and she also met resistance, like sticking your hand into mud. Why do you think Jack is different and why is she keeping him a secret from Michael?
If I were Emerson, I wouldn’t voluntarily share this supernatural information with anyone before sorting it out and figuring out what it means. I think she’s doing the right thing here. Now there are so many different theories I have for Jack. Best I just read along and find out what the right one is…or better yet, have the explanation not be any of my theories!
4. Last week Angelica posted this question in the comments: “Does anyone think that there’s something “strange” about Lily?”
I didn’t get that vibe while reading the first thirteen chapters but now after the Grease scene, I definitely have my suspicions. Looking forward to figuring her out!
To buy Hourglass by Myra McEntire, click here.
Haha, there needs to be a YA mashup of characters with supernatural abilities along the lines of The Avengers! Spirit Hunters sound cool so I'm off to check out Something Strange & Deadly 🙂
Totally agree with your answer about changing the past!
The mystery behind Jack, and the surprise at the end is one of my favorite moments in the book.
Y'all are so much more perceptive than me. I totally didn't suspect much of anything with Lily the first time I read Hourglass, haha!
I hope you do read and enjoy SSaD, it is fantastic!
The Jack revelation was great!