Hourglass Read-a-Long Week 1

It’s time for another Read-a-long! This time, Bookish Comforts is hosting a readalong for Hourglass by Myra McEntire! I bought this early last summer and am so excited to finally get to it! First to be discussed…chapters 1-12. Discussion questions are below and for more information about the readalong, click here.

1. First things first: what do you think of the characters and story so far? Are you feeling the tension between Emerson and Michael?
I absolutely love the story. It’s everything I expected it to be and more and we’re only 23% in! As for the characters…I really like Michael. He is more grounded than Emerson in every way. Even though he might be scared and/or worried, he’s not wearing it on his sleeve like Emerson. There’s nothing wrong with that, especially given all that Emerson has gone through, making it hard for her to trust people and surrender to help. But she also need not dive into anything she knows absolutely nothing about. Slow down. So, I’m not in love with Emerson yet but I’m sure the time is coming. As for the tension, I can feel it but not in a romantic way. I feel like that kind of tension is one sided, so it’s more awkward if anything. I’d rather Em not jump into a relationship with Michael right away, so I’m hoping Michael holds off for as long as he can before falling for her. No distractions. Though I’m not much of a romantic so I might be biased here.

2. Emerson can see time ripples or “rips”, which Michael says are different than ghosts. Do you think it would be interesting or scary to see these rips? Would you like to be able to see them?
I think it would be interesting and yes, at times, scary. But what isn’t scary when you’re talking about ghosts and time ripples? The “interesting” factor weighs more though so depending on what their abilities grow into and how well they can control the rips, I would not mind having this ability at all.

3. Thomas, Emerson’s brother, is very protective of her, and has been trying to help her by hiring people who turn out to be phonies. Do you think this is doing her more harm than good? As a successful business man, why do you think he continues to hire psychics, mediums, etc.?
I don’t think his efforts are doing Emerson more harm. She’s seemed to have taken matters into her own hands and stopped taking her medication. If Michael didn’t come into her life, I may be giving a different answer but because I can assume that together, they’ll find answers that will help the both of them, Thomas’s efforts will pay off. Thomas will do anything for his loved ones and the lengths he will go for his sister has nothing to do with his working identity as a business man. It has everything to do with his amounts of faith and hope and I commend him for not giving up.

4. Why do you think Michael was so angry about Emerson researching the Hourglass Institute?
I don’t think it’s in Emerson’s best interest to learn about Hourglass right now for her own safety, physically, mentally, and emotionally. In time though. Although I’m not a huge fan of guessing why and what happens next so early on with so little information. I just like to be swept away so I can’t wait to see what is revealed next!

To buy Hourglass by Myra McEntire, click here.


  1. Just catching on replying to your posts now, sorry!

    Yay, glad you liked the story so much right off the bat! I really like reading your perceptions of the characters.

    Haha, I'm kind of with you, I think seeing the rips would be scary but interesting. My degree was in history so I think that's why I think it would be cool.

    Thomas is a very loving brother, isn't he? It seems to really eat him up that he can't find a way to help Emerson.

    Great response to #4!!