Big Brother 15 Cast Revealed! First Impressions

Big Brother 15 premieres Wednesday night and I am so excited! I cannot wait! For those unfamiliar with my love for Big Brother, I started watching in season 8 (my favorite season yet) and so far have also seen seasons 5, 6, and 9-14. Looking forward to watching seasons 1-4 and 7 one day but for now, let’s talk about the season 15 house guests and the two twists that have been announced. I love looking back on my first impressions after the season premiere and especially at the end of the season to see how wrong I was! And yet, I still do it anyway! So, here goes…


Elissa: Elissa is Rachel’s sister! Rachel as in the nails on a chalk board laugh Rachel, Brachel Rachel, shoot me in the foot Rachel, the most annoying house guest in the history of BB Rachel. Are you kidding me Big Brother? Are you trying to lose fans? Elissa better be likable. Redeem the family name Elissa! We know you’re smart but are you smart enough not to let your feelings get in the way? Prove everyone you’re worth it rather than someone with NO ties to the show or your presence is pointless. I am so tired of Rachel and anything resembling Rachel on this show. Please please please be likable.

On a side note, I wonder who will be the contestant to figure out first that Elissa is Rachel’s sister and what they’ll do with that information. Will they call her out in front of everyone when they all meet? Pull her aside and trust that she won’t put the target on them since they know? There are so many different things that could happen. Ahh!

Aaryn: Aaryn is 22 and automatically I’m rooting for her since she’s the youngest one in the game. I love her strategy to stay under the radar although she has to be smart about the “for as long as possible” part because she doesn’t want to be seen as a floater. It sounds like she has a plan though and I’m loving her energy from the video interview, so we’ll just have to sit back to see what happens.

David: It seems like this dude is a dud but I’ve been fooled before so who knows what his deal is.

GinaMarie: This one knows the game and wants to be there, so it will be interesting to see who she aligns herself with. Looking forward to seeing her game play!

Jeremy: He’s a newbie so this kid has NO idea what he’s in for. Oh boy. As for his strategy…why do the girls have to be the pawns? What do you think about this Jeremy kid?

Candice: She’s got a great strategy, I just hope she really dives in because she could look like a floater. I can’t say that I’m rooting for her at the moment but things could change.

Helen: For some reason I had an image of Helen and GinaMarie scrappin’ and I don’t know what that says about anything but…yeah. All I know is that if Helen makes it through the first few weeks, game on. This might be the one who nobody sees as a threat when all along every single move she makes has all been a part of some master plan.

Nick: This kid is awesome. I can see him being in the house a long time and playing a really good game. He has to be very smart about the pawn part of his strategy though. That could blow up in his face. I really hope it doesn’t. This dude, man. He’s cool. Very talkative, very ambitious, very thankful, very smart, very funny, very loyal to the show…very much embodies the drive it takes to get to the final four. I’m rooting for him.

Amanda: From the photo, I imagine her in one of the better alliances and playing a really good game. I also imagine her either being likable enough with everyone or the exact opposite. From the video interview, I imagine her not being very likable at all. It depends on what she says. If what she says has merit then maybe it will be okay. We’ll see.

Jessie: I love her strategy and am excited that she’s such a big fan, so I hope she makes it far in the game. She seems either funny and very likable or not very likable. I can’t really decide until we see her in the house. I can’t wait to see if she’ll be friends with Elissa or see right through her. I can’t wait to see how long it takes for this hardcore fan to realize that Elissa is Rachel’s sister.

Andy: As of right now, Andy is awesome! I can see Andy in an alliance with Nick maybe. I also see Andy being really likable and making it far in this game.

Howard: He has the right idea with his strategy but that’s easier said than done. He doesn’t seem like he’s willing to do all that it takes to win. Good luck buddy.

Kaitlin: She’s a newbie so I’m pretty sure she doesn’t stand a chance. She wants to go the high road but she has no idea that real life doesn’t get an invitation into the BB house. She wants to win but has no idea the sacrifice and amount of mental game play it takes. If she lasts the first three weeks, I will be very surprised but if not, it’s clear she was nowhere near ready to play the game.

Spencer: Well if Spencer and Nick aren’t in the same four man alliance, I don’t know who will be in their alliances. But forming an alliance in the first 48 hours? Calm down. Don’t move too fast or your butt will be on the wrong couch come Noms, POV, and Eviction nights. Day 2, maybe. Day 1, no. Feel everyone out. He’s a smart guy so I don’t think it will be a problem but I want to root for him so I’ll be very frustrated if he does something stupid in the first 48 hours and ruins it. I can see him getting very far in the game if he plays this game smart.

McCrae: I am very interested in the mental game he has going. He really needs to know the game to pull this off. Something tells me he does. But if the others realize that too soon, this kid will be out the door in no time.

Judd: Finally, someone who says they want to align themselves with not only a physically strong player but a mentally strong player. Good luck, buddy!


As for the twists…nominating two people is enough drama, I can’t even begin to wrap my head around the drama that will follow with three nominations each week. Especially if this isn’t a twist that is being let go later on in the season. Three nominees is already giving me a headache but I have a feeling I’m really going to love the drama it will bring.

Then there’s the other twist. I can’t say that I’m a fan of essentially a different MVP every single week. Every week seems like a bit much. But since the house guests don’t have to let the rest of the house know who the MVP is and every house guest may not use whatever powers they’re given, it may not be as annoying as I imagine it will be. I really want to see how long it takes for the whole house to realize there’s a new MVP each week. If the house figures it out quickly, there are a number of scenarios that could happen that could be more beneficial to everyone. If it takes awhile for everyone in the house to realize what’s going on, well, we’ve got a good game on our hands. That is if the “powers” are good. How different can these powers be each week while not being more powerful than the HoH? I hope there isn’t a handful of powers being recycled throughout the season. There better be a great mix of magic to make up for last season which was terrible (and some might also say season 13). The producers have a lot to prove.

What do you think about the twists? Who else is excited for season 15?! What are your first impressions? Anyone else watch Big Brother After Dark? I don’t watch the live feeds 🙁 but you can bet I’ll be watching After Dark!

Big Brother 15 premieres Wednesday, June 26, 2013 at 8/7c on CBS.


  1. I highly recommend it of course! Since it airs 3x a week, it seems like a big commitment at first but the game is easy to understand and fun to watch so it doesn't seem like a lot once you're into it. It's so good omg!