Photo Credit: David Giesbrecht/NBC
If you’re not watching Deception, you still have time to get on the train! Eight episodes into its first season and Deception has quickly become one of my favorite dramas on NBC. If you like Revenge, you’ll love Deception. There are just as many twists and turns and there’s so much more danger! You haven’t seen ultimatums, betrayal, and investigation like this. Romance takes a backseat but that’s okay because even in that, it seems everyone’s playing each other. The stories being told here are much bigger than simple love and lust stories. Now the show does have its campy moments here and there but that’s what gives this show a light since the tone is so dark and the situation that Joanna is in is so dangerous. Everybody’s got something to hide, everybody’s got something to say. But who will listen? Who will believe them?
“Shut up, I don’t like you.” – Edward Bowers
As soon as “Good Luck With Your Death” begins, it’s made clear that Joanna (Meagan Good) needs to get her the people she is closest to in on her case if she plans on staying undercover. Robert (Victor Garber) is looking for answers and he’s pulling out the big guns! Sneaky sneaky little devil. S. Epatha Merkerson guest stars as Beverly Padget, Joanna’s mother. But that’s not even the most surprising part! Joanna’s entire cover could be blown if her sick mother is unable to help Jo keep her story straight. I love how this show raises the bar and makes the audience reel back only for it to raise the bar again within the same exact scene. These writers are brilliant. These actors are fantastic. The delivery is superb. Anyway, her mom might be sick but she’s still got some sense. Everybody who seems good may not be. Jo needs to listen to her mom.
Then there’s poor Mia to think about. She is looking for answers too and getting nowhere. Or one answer at a time. Mia is feisty (and has the best one liners) so it will be very interesting to see how she handles all that’s coming (and not coming) her way. Yes, she’s a spoiled rich kid but take away the money and her whole life was still a lie. Her world has been turned upside down and it’s bad enough when they happens not in the public eye. The toll it takes on her is now magnified. It would be predictable for her to go down the same road as her mother, but finding love, finding answers in all of the wrong places is to be expected anyway so hopefully we’re given just enough but more of something else we wouldn’t expect from her before the season is over. It’s time to start seeing this character grow more. She now knows her life is a lie. She tried running away from it all. That didn’t work. What is she going to do next?
Meanwhile, Edward’s being followed and is scared for his life, understandably so. While it would be sad to see him go (both the character and Tate), another murder before the season is over would be satisfying. Although I’d go for Sophia’s jail boyfriend getting the kick first. They get awfully close tonight. What is the story behind this? I can’t wait until the writers reveal the depth of this relationship and see how long it takes for it to blow up in Sophia’s face. Don’t the Bowers know that what’s in the dark must always come out into the light? Money can’t hide your heart’s desires. My oh my, what a fabulous episode this was!
Things got a little steamy but not for long and everybody had very interesting motives for doing such ontop of the obvious ones. It’s so much fun rooting for Joanna and certain characters and waiting at the edge of your seat for answers. Tonight was just as strong as the previous eight episodes. It may even be one of my favorites. I have fallen so hard for this show, let me tell you! I cannot wait for more and hope you tune in because you have no idea what you are missing! Deception is smart, sexy, and witty, all of the ingredients for must watch TV! I love it so much, I would even encourage you to jump into tonight’s episode and then watch the previous eight before next week. Tune in and thank me later. You’ll be glad you did!
Watch Deception Mondays at 10/9c on NBC.
yeah that 'shut up i dont like you' is the first time i legit lol'd over this season's episodes. eddy is my new fav char.
That was hysterical! I am cracking up laughing just thinking about him saying it! Hahahaha.