Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Resolve To Read In 2013

It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s challenge: Top Ten Books I Resolve To Read In 2013. In no particular order, I picked:

1. Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card (July 15, 1994)

2. Matched by Ally Condie (November 30, 2010)

3. I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga (April 3, 2012)

4. Invisibility by Andrea Cremer & David Levithan (May 7, 2013)

5. Partials by Dan Wells (February 28, 2012)

6. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (March 14, 2006)

7. Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan (April 6, 2010)

8. Red Glove (#2) & Black Heart (#3) by Holly Black (April 5, 2011 & April 3, 2012)

9. Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein (February 6, 2012)

10. This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers (June 19, 2012)

So what books have been sitting on your shelf, at your local bookstore, or in your e-reader that you are making a point to get to this year?


Top Ten TV Shows I Resolve to Catch Up On:

Lost Girl (Syfy), Shameless (Showtime), Covert Affairs (USA), The Lying Game (ABC Family), The Big Bang Theory (CBS), 24, Smallville, Party of Five, Jack & Bobby, Jeremiah

Top Ten Movies From 2012 I Resolve to See:
Argo, The Master, Moonrise Kingdom, Lincoln, Flight, The Five Year Engagement, 21 Jump Street, Smashed, The Silver Linings Playbook, Cloud Atlas


  1. This is Not A Test and Code Name Verity look fabulous! They're both on my to-read list, even if they're not on my top-ten for this year.

    By the way you really should watch The Lying Game, is amazing! I really liked it – I've finished season one yesterday and now I'm waiting for the second one to begin this 8th January (:

    Happy New Year!
    My Top 10 @ Sara In Bookland

  2. Ender's Game is one of my all-time favorite books. I'm so curious if the movie will do it justice. The biggest reason I'm worried is because Ender is supposed to be so small compared to the other kids and I don't know if they'll be doing that in their casting choices. But we'll see! I like Harrison Ford as Graff.

    And The Book Thief is excellent. Very unusual and sad, but excellent.

    Matched was alright but the rest of the series was a letdown for me.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy reading in the new year!

    Lauren @ Hughes Reviews

  3. I think I've had The Book Thief on my shelf the longest… should probably pick that one up first.

    I am 8 episodes behind on The Lying Game. Thinking I'll be all caught up by the time the third episode of season 2 airs.

  4. Fantastic list. The Book Thief, I Hunt Killers, and Code Name Verity are a few I hope to catch up on this year too.
    And I loved Silver Lining Playbook! Happy new year and good luck with all your reading goals.

  5. I Hunt Killers is so good and *very* creepy! Invisibility sounds amazing (especially since it was written in part by David Levithan!). The Book Thief is fantastic, and WGWG is good, as well.

    Happy New Year and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. Hmm, I didn't care for I Hunt Killers, Matched, Ender's Game, and This is Not a Test. I guess my comment's a downer that can be ignored. Although I did like Partials, and I do need to read The Book Thief. Hope you enjoy the reads this year!

    Thanks for visiting my Top Ten.

  7. I'm really excited to read Invisibility, too!

    Also, I need to catch up on Smallville, too! I stopped watching about halfway through. But I really want to rewatch the earlier seasons, and then go through the whole series.

  8. Books: The Book Thief is a great read and you should try get to it if you can. I really like your list and some of those ones were on mine as well!

    Movies: The five-year engagement was pretty good and 21 jump street was hilarious in a sometimes ridiculous way.

  9. Thanks! I own The Book Thief and am making a point to go through everything on my shelf this year so I will definitely get to it within the next few months. Most likely adding it to my February or March TBR list. I have a feeling it will be February though.

  10. Great list. The Book Thief is fantastic and I really loved This is Not a Test. I can't wait until Invisibility comes out in March! Happy reading and I hope you get to read all these this year!