It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s challenge: Top Ten Bookish Goals For 2013. I picked:
1. Read all of the books on my shelf that I have yet to read.
I am so tired of looking at the books all over my room that have been sitting there unread, some for years. It is my mission to read all of the unread books this year and then donate whatever books that I do not feel the need to keep to my local library.
2. Read all of the books on my Kindle before buying anymore ebooks.
I am thinking about setting aside a month or two just to clearing out my Kindle. A TBR Pile: Kindle Edition Challenge if you will. If anyone is interested in doing this with me, let me know!
3. Read 1 Classic every 3 months.
I don’t remember the last time I read a classic which is a shame because I really enjoyed most of the classics that were assigned in school. I’ll start slow though, committing to one classic for each season and see how I feel about increasing this number come next year.
4. Review as many books as I can as soon as I finish reading.
Even if it’s just a paragraph on Goodreads, I want to review as many books as I read because I hate looking at my “Read” shelf thinking, “I read that?” not remembering whether or not I liked what I read.
5. Schedule more posts.
Ideally, I’d like to take one-two days out of the week to schedule all of the posts that I can for the following week, every single week. So far, so good. I took quite a bit of a break from blogging in 2012 but I am ready to dive back in and make this one of my most productive years since I started blogging.
6. Take part in more memes and be consistent.
I would love to take part in memes more regularly, including Top Ten Tuesday and Waiting on Wednesday.
7. Take part in more read-alongs.
I had such a fun time participating in the Something Strange & Deadly Read-Along that I am hoping I can participate in 3-5 more read-alongs this year. I am keeping my eyes open but if you know of any, please let me know!
8. Comment more on blogs.
I think just about everyone has this goal. We start off commenting like crazy, then just commenting on our favorite blogs, then we even start to slack off on that. Since I blog about books, TV, film, and music and read other blogs dedicated to all of the above, I definitely need to re-organize what blogs I will make a point to not only visit and comment on weekly or oftentimes more than once a week given how often there is new content, but make a point to periodically finding new blogs to follow and comment on. I am looking forward to interacting more across all mediums and so far, so good!
9. Take part in more than just signings at BEA.
While I’ve been going to San Diego Comic Con and other conventions for years thanks to my dad being a comic book artist since before I was born, I’ve got those cons down to a science. But I have only been to BEA twice and the first time I barely remember since I was so young. Last year, when I finally went to BEA again, I got really swept up in the signings. The signings are great but I don’t want to forget about the panels and everything else that is happening! There is so much going on, so I know I won’t get to everything but that doesn’t mean I should just stick to one area. While BEA was great last year, I am really looking forward to making BEA this year a completely different experience.
10. Get new bookshelves.
Aside from the fact that I broke my main bookshelf because I put too many books in it and those books are now sitting in a huge trunk, I just want an entire wall dedicated to bookshelves. I can’t wait to see that day.
Top TV Goal For 2013:
Pick a television series that has ended & I have never seen before to watch & review each week.
Top Movie Goal For 2013:
Pick a favorite actor or actress of mine and review every film they have been in.
What tops your list of bookish goals this year?
These are fantastic goals! I totally forgot to list read-alongs for a goal- I'm interest in adding a few more of those this year. And I should join you for the kindle tbr challenge…so many ebooks to catch up on!
I've been going to SDCC for the last 6 years but I've never been to BEA. That's a goal of mine for sure.
The tv series reviews sound fun- do you have any shows in mind?
Good luck with all your reading and blogging goals this year 🙂
Thank you! I'm thinking about making the ebook challenge March but nothing is set in stone yet. I'll keep you updated!
The West Wing, Friday Night Lights (saw first half of season one), Smallville (have seen a handful of episodes from various seasons), Deadwood, & The 4400 come to mind but there are a ton more shows that I haven't seen that I could list. I'm going to make a list though and open it up to voting for anyone else who wants to join in. If you're interested, feel free to give me a couple of shows to add to the list!
Great goals!! I have to admit I have been wanting to watch West Wing from start to finish but haven't yet. I have watched Gilmore Girls before. Have you?
I wish I could attend BEA but I won't make it there this year. I hope one of these years I will be able to attend. 🙂
Good luck on your goals and Happy Reading and Viewing this year.
I need new bookshelves, TOO. Mine are in a sorry state of Ikea-ness.
If you haven't picked your TV show, Friday Night Lights is mind-blowingly good. I love Tammy Taylor!
I have a feeling Friday Night Lights and The West Wing will be two of the final choices.
Yep, I loved Gilmore Girls!
While I love BEA, I've been going to San Diego Comic Con since I was a kid so that's my #1 but I'd say you should go to both BEA & SDCC at least once!
If you keep your resolution about not buying books until you've read the ones you have, you're a stronger person than I! I let things get away from me all the time… (thus my goal to cull my bookshelves). Thanks for sharing your list!
It's just ebooks, not all books. I have six pages of books on my Kindle that need to be read. So… if I stay focused, it won't take long to clear out my Kindle but I have to really stay on top of it. 🙂
Nice list! I'm seeing the one about reading classics on a lot of them, and I totally should have added it to mine. Thanks for sharing and stopping by!
Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf
How fantastic is it to have a father who illustrates comic books?! Great list.
Thanks! 🙂
Whew! Just your first and second goals would wipe me out for the year. I tend to buy and buy and buy both "real" books and books for my Kindle. I read them too, but I can't keep up. Good luck with everything!
My first two goals are definitely going to wipe me out haha. I do the same thing too but I have grown tired of having a TBR list that constantly grows instead of dwindles. I want to get to a point where I catch up on all of the books that I want to read so that I can just look forward to new releases. This is the year I am putting my foot down to finally get it done.
Other than 6, 7, and 9, I want to copy some of your goals! I love this list.
Thanks Colleen! OMG I still have to send you that book! I'm staring at the package right now. Doing that this weekend!
It's all good. 🙂 I keep meaning to read Delirium after your recommendation back in August, I think. My list keeps getting bigger, but I keep having no time!
Move Delirium up the list! Seriously. Get the audiobook for when you are on the go if you need to. Sarah Drew from Grey's Anatomy/Everwood is the audiobook narrator.
I will, I will! I still need to read Curse of Athena first though. I was dying for it to come out, now it's sitting next to my bed, waiting to be read since October haha.
I know what that's like. I have The Evolution of Mara Dyer and Defiance next to my bed just waiting to be read! You get a pass. But get to Riordan!
Awesome fantastic goals 🙂 I need to get new bookshelves as well