Introducing: Nick Nordella

In exactly one month, Greenberg featuring Ben Stiller hits theaters and Hollywood the Write Way is putting the spotlight on Greenberg actor, Nick Nordella. You’ve recently seen Nick on Bones, 90210, and a variety of commercials and soon you will see him on the big screen…but first, get to know Nick below as he talks about how he got into the business, Greenberg, and what’s next.

How did you get involved in acting?
Well ever since I was little, I had wanted to act. I used to point at the TV and say “I want to do that” when I was as young as five. So I started doing local theatre in my hometown of Valencia, Ca. After a few years of that, I really wanted to get more into film and television so my parents put me into an acting class. My coach was Patrick Malone and his wife Jamie was a talent manager. After a short period of time, he told his wife that she had to meet me and see my work. So I met with her and she put me into a talent showcase where agents/managers come to watch. From that she picked me up as a manager and I had several interviews with agencies… ultimately leading to me signing with my first agent.

What is your favorite genre in television/film to work on?
Hmm…that’s a tough one. I’d honestly have to say that I love doing it all. Comedy, horror, drama, etc. I started as a “funny guy” and will always love comedy..especially dark comedies, but I guess ultimately I’d love to do something that really touches and moves people in the drama spectrum.

What have been your most challenging and most fun roles to date?
Actually as lame as this sounds…the most difficult time I ever had on set was in a skittles commercial I did last year. I had to have a cast of my head done and spend several long days, one of which was from 3 am-2am the next day, in a full head mask glued to my entire head. (NOTE: I AM SEVERELY CLAUSTROPHOBIC) From an acting stand point however, I’d have to say my toughest role was on Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. My most fun role to date was probably MAD TV because I love live audience shows.

As for the upcoming film, Greenberg , what attracted you to the script and this role?
Well first off I LOVE Noah Baumbach. Squid and the Whale, Margot at the Wedding, Life Aquatic, Fantastic Mr. Fox, etc. I mean those are works of a genius! So he alone drew my interest to this project. Also the fact that I had worked with Ben Stiller before made it really cool. This script is just so real and not injected with “Hollywood” steroids. It was a refreshing and moving read. The character I play is Jordan, who is one of Brie Larson’s friends in the film, and I am not the best of guys. I’m sort of a druggie and have a short temper haha we will just say that.

What did you learn from director, Noah Baumbach while on set?
Well he’s such an amazing and caring guy, so I’d have to say he really just taught me how to really trust my instincts and believe in myself and my choices in my acting.

Can you share your experience on the set of Greenberg?
It was like Neverland. See Brie Larson, Juno Temple, Dave Franco and all the rest of the young cast took over an entire hotel in Hollywood while filming. As we were shooting in the Hollywood Hills, there was no room on the streets for trailers so we all had our own rooms in the hotel. Being that the shoots were primarily all night shoots, we would just hang out all day by the pool, singing, playing guitars, eating, watching movies, etc. Then we would shoot from about 8 pm to as late at 9 am and get back up and do it the next day. It was a blast!

What aspects of the main characters in Greenberg do you see in yourself?
Well, I think we all have a little Greenberg in us. I mean he just is someone who doesn’t really know what he wants fully out of life and is being put down because he doesn’t have the degree, the job, the wife and kids, the white picket fence, etc. He is just a real guy who is in a rut and for that he questions the world. I’ve been there several times in my life. Also, with Greta Gerwig’s character, she sees something in Greenberg that everyone else fails to see. I tend to do that a lot in my life. Sort of the diamond in the rough scenario.

Ben Stiller’s character, Roger Greenberg seems to be okay doing nothing that would deem himself as a success in other people’s eyes…what do you do in your downtime and do you think that we as a society hold people up to too high standards?
In my downtime I travel, hang with loved ones, volunteer, and try to improve myself in every way (i.e.-exercise, read, learn about new cultures and watch a lot of the history, travel, and science tv) I have always been a huge supporter in the saying, “always work hard and you shall be rewarded”. However, I don’t think that society holds too high standards but rather society’s standards are too narrow minded. I think that we should hold high standards for ourselves and try to do the best we can for what we want out of this world. See, I think your goals in life can be to travel or help another country. I don’t think it all has to be about 4-years and money. With the understanding that whatever you do want to do will require money, but I say do whatever you need to (that’s safe and healthy) to get the money to do what you want in this world.

Are you interested in writing, producing, or directing?
I would love to do all three! I always have these great ideas for scripts and just never find the time to right them down. I am, however, working on my first script just for fun. Also, with the producing and directing thing, I would love the chance to really get my hands on a project and see a vision of mine through because I am a huge fan of cinematography.

What are your upcoming projects?
Well as most of my friends know, I still am a huge advocate of doing commercials because they are fun and a great place to do what I love. So I have been asked by Round Table Pizza to do another commercial for them. I shot one for them up in the bay area last year and we will be starting the next one on the 25th of this month. There are a few other projects pending but other than that, auditions are starting to pick back up now that the holidays are winding down so we shall see what the future holds.

Greenberg hits theaters in select cities March 12, 2010.