Chantal Nchako is making her way into the NYC theatre community appearing in the upcoming Off Broadway improv performance, Happy Hour at the 45th Street Theater (for a limited run).
Chantal, from Cameroon, West Africa, has studied theatre in both America and England, and to her credit, Chantal has performed in The Vagina Monologues at New World Stages, Hip Hop Monologues at 37 Arts Theater, Orunmila at the National Black Theater, and the television series Law and Order SVU and One Life to Live.
Chantal is a rising star, which is why I will be following her career and giving you updates as I get them, straight from Chantal herself! Get to know Chantal in this exclusive interview for Hollywood the Write Way.
How did you get into acting?
I started acting at the age of six when I was in Cameroon, West Africa. There was a production of The Little Mermaid at my brother’s school so I auditioned and got a part. I’ve always loved acting, I feel like it chose me and now it’s just about developing it.
What was your experience like with The Vagina Monologues?
It was a challenging role. It was challenging to emote my sexuality on stage but it was also exciting since there’s things you would never do in real life but can do on stage. So I allowed myself the freedom to do it and it was amazing. I loved the cast and the director was amazing. It was part of the V-day movement, it was my 2nd Off-Broadway performance and I loved it.
Did you know that The Vagina Monologues was going to be so big?
No, I didn’t know! I met the director at another production and we exchanged cards. I emailed her to see how she was doing and then she emailed me about her audition she was holding, so I came out and then I got cast. I didn’t know how big it was until pre-production so it was really exciting.
Tell me about your upcoming improv performance in the Off Broadway performance of Happy Hour.
Happy Hour is a comedy showcase directed by Michael Horne. He wrote these pieces based on real life experiences. It’s exciting, I’ve never done anything like this. There are different shorts put together…there is a storyline but there is also improvisation. There are no songs, there are no big costumes, it’s not a big set, it is straight comedy.
Is your focus on solely theatre, TV, or film, or an equal amount of all of it?
Right now my focus is acting and modeling but I like to do everything. I feel like you should focus on one thing to get you started and then once you are settled, you can do everything else full out. I love to model as well. In my spare time, I design shoes. I would love to have my own line in the future.
Would you ever release a solo album?
I would definitely do that. My sound would be pop, with some rock.
Can you talk about living here and living in West Africa?
I lived in Africa for 9 years. I speak French, English, my tribal language, and broken English/French dialect that is used in some countries in Africa which bridges the language barrier. I am so happy that I lived in Africa because I feel more open and cultured. Everything is so free and it is more about the community. Here in America it is more about individuality which is great but nobody really works together a lot. I love NY, everything is so accessible. When I go back to Africa, at least every year I just love to rest. I love the food, clothes, and how everyone is so welcoming in Africa. Here in America, there are so many more opportunities so it is definitely easier for me to do what I want to do.
What was your experience like at Oxford University?
I studied classical theatre with John Barton. I was fortunate to work with great teachers. It was very intimate, the classes were small and you were free to do what you wanted…so I was free not only as an artist but a person. I love England!
Who are your Broadway influences?
I would have to say hands down Phylicia Rashad. She is an amazing actress. She an do anything. We are both Howard University graduates and she did a few workshops there, so that was amazing. I would also say Patti Lupone. I saw her in Gypsy and she was amazing!
What is your dream Broadway/play role?
Lady Macbeth in Macbeth, Josephine in Ruined, and Cleopatra in Cleopatra.
Are you interested in writing, producing, directing?
I am, yes. Eventually I would like my own production company. Right now though, I just want to focus on acting. I’m an actress at heart.
What are your upcoming projects?
I was just offered a feature role in an independent film, Home. We start shooting here in NY in 2 weeks so that is very exciting.
This girl's got it all. She's smart, gorgeous, and multi- talented. Watch her rise to the top.
OMG I love her life this girl!!! Please continue to follow her, she will surely be someone special in the near future! Chantal is on her way for sure!
Definitely one to watch! Does anyone know where I can see clips of her work on film, or maybe filmed theatre roles?
Her official website, link is in article.