Mark Indelicato Speaks to Hollywood the Write Way Part 2

Here is Part 1 of Hollywood the Write Way‘s Interview with Mark Indelicato (Ugly Betty). Check out Part 2 below!

What have you liked the most and the least from the LA to NY switch?
My favorite part is definitely living in the city because I just love the city so much. The downfall is that the living quarters are not as big as LA was. I kind of prefer living in a house rather than an apartment but I am happy to sacrifice that to live in the city.

As a native of Philadelphia, how often do you visit Philadelphia?
I am actually on my way there now. We visit every other weekend or every 2 weeks. We are so close now and my family loves having us around since we weren’t around for 2 years. It is nice to be able to hang out and go back to where I came from.

What are your favorite things to do in Philadelphia?
I really like just hanging out when I am back home. That is when I relax because I am always going, going, going in the city.

Regarding school, what grade are you in and do you know where you want to go to college?
I am in 9th grade. I have always said since I was little that I wanted to go to college at NYU. I think that now is the perfect opportunity since I live in NY but I really don’t know yet. I might want to go to a different college or study something different. I am going to have to see how the years plan out.

If you weren’t acting, what do you think would be some options career wise?
Everyone always tells me that I should go to school for business. That is a great fallback career. I never thought of myself doing anything as my career other than being an actor and being in the entertainment industry. It is really what I love to do. I am going to try and stay in it as long as I can.

What is the filming schedule like for Ugly Betty?
It’s crazy. I know when I am working pretty much 2/3 days before I am actually working on the set. It can change at anytime.

Wow. So it’s hard to plan things?
It’s pretty hard to plan things but usually if the actors can get clearance from production, they work around us as much as they can. Although since I am under 18, I can only work 5 ½ hours a day.

Have you seen any of the other versions of Ugly Betty from other countries?
I did! I saw the original one from Columbia a few times. Even though I didn’t understand what was being said, it was great. It was really weird though because it is so different from the American version. It is cool to see how other countries film the same concept in different ways.

What is your favorite storyline on the show?
For the family…after my dad died on the show, it was really good how the whole family reacted to it. Justin was acting out and trying to be something that he clearly wasn’t. That was great for me as an actor too.

What is it like being the youngest character on the show?

It’s not really that difficult. At first it was kind of awkward since everyone was having adult conversations that you didn’t really feel comfortable in. Now that I know the cast so well and we are all great friends, I don’t think that a lot of them look at me as a kid anymore. We are all just friends and that’s it.

Everyone has Ugly Betty moments, so how long ago has it been since you had an Ugly Betty moment?
I am always walking into walls and running into doors. I am always walking into things and getting into some sort of trouble. I am very clutsy.

Watch Ugly Betty on ABC.


  1. great interview. i love ugly betty and mark is such a great kid. its nice to see that there is such wonderful people working on that show…