The latest Loot Crate haul is all about Investigation! The haul couldn’t have been any more perfect for the theme, let me tell you!!! So what’s inside the box this month?
Loot Crate is a monthly mystery crate for gamers, geeks and fans of pop culture, delivering cool (and often exclusive!) items like collectibles, t‑shirts, gadgets and more. There’s a $45+ value in every crate!
The Loot:
- Exclusive Batman Color-Changing Mug (Licensed by DC Comics. Made by Zak! Designs)
I haven’t used the mug because I plan on giving it to someone who is an even bigger Batman fan but the Gotham skyline lights up when you pour in hot beverages and if that’s not cool, I don’t know what is.
- Exclusive Marvel’s Jessica Jones Q-Fig (Licensed by Marvel. Made by QMx)
Okay, so I honestly haven’t been head over heels for most of the Q-Fig figures but this one is amazing! I don’t know if it’s because Jessica Jones is such a BAMF or because they captured that so well in the figure or both but oh my goodness, I LOVE this and I will not be giving this one to anyone. This one is all mine.
- Exclusive Stranger Things T-Shirt (Licensed by Netflix. Made by Loot Crate)
Not only is this the Loot Crate t-shirt that fits me best, it’s the Loot Crate t-shirt that I’ve worn the most in all of the time that I’ve been receiving Loot Crate (which says a lot since I’ve only had this particular shirt for less than 3 weeks), and I’ve gotten the most compliments and looks of admiration from strangers while wearing it, so I’d consider this tee a huge, huge win. I’ve had such a great time in this tee that I actually took a selfie (which I never do!) so enjoy!
- Exclusive The X-Files Pencils (Licensed by 20th Century Fox. Made by A Crowded Coop.)
I love nerdy pencil sets but this one I’m definitely going to have to pass off to a bigger X-Files fan, otherwise I would feel greedy holding onto it. This is a small set of four pencils plus a tiny manual pencil sharpener…but let’s be real, nobody is going to be using either. They are going to sit pretty on our desk or a bookcase for us to marvel at.
- Loot Crate Magazine
- In-house Designed Loot Crate Pin Saluting Old School Technology
My Favorite Loot In This Box:
- Exclusive Stranger Things T-Shirt and Exclusive Marvel’s Jessica Jones Q-Fig
Thank you so much, Loot Crate for the box!
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