Pardon my belated reviewing! I don’t want to condense these reviews into one so just stay tuned for back to back Face Off goodness! Starting right where I left off… the final five teams become the final four teams! That was quick! In this episode, host, McKenzie Westmore met the artists in Griffith Park to deliver the next Spotlight Challenge… they had to create a comedic fantasy duo (each duo consisting of one female model and one male model) fit to star in an epic adventure film. The models each wore unique body suits that correlated with a fantasy race. It seems the body suits were exaggerated for comedic effect as well, since this is a comedic fantasy duo (think Shrek) challenge after all.
Tyler and Emily chose goblin and faun, Cig and George chose dwarf and ogre, Keaghlan and Melissa chose fairy and troll, Ben and Evan chose wood elf and minotaur, & Logan and Adam chose orc and naiad. Based on the challenge itself, I was most intrigued by what Ben and Evan would come up with. Based on the creature choices above, I was most anticipating Keaghlan and Melissa’s creations. Based on reputation, I was most anticipating Tyler and Emily & Cig and George’s creations.

In the lab, Ben and Evan seemed to run into a bit of trouble as they began to execute their concept. It simply wasn’t coming together smoothly in the beginning but they got it together soon enough. Series mentor, Michael Westmore joined the artists in the lab and his words, as always, really pushed the artists to challenge themselves even more. At the end of day one, Adam wasn’t happy with his progress and like a good teammate, Logan tried his very best to bring him down to a level head. Seeing so many positive aspects of teamwork this season (and most every season) has been so great, especially since you don’t see that a lot on reality TV, competition show or not. It’s actually one of the aspects that I love about this show, whether the artists are working as a team or not, they rally around each other and that is just so wonderful to see.
On the reveal stage, Tyler and Emily had immunity. Logan & Adam and Ben & Evan were the bottom looks last week so they really had something to prove this week. Ben and Evan’s creations were fun but it definitely, definitely looked better up close. There was so much detail up close that didn’t read from far away.

Tyler and Emily’s creations were solid but Cig and George nailed it this week. They completely knocked it out of the park. No one came close to Cig and George this week. It was literally the perfect balance in tone and hit every mark of the fantasy genre. This was fantastic. As Neville said, “These guys are known to do things that are comedic and to be given the latitude to do comedy and show restraint, that to me was their greatest choice.” This. So much this. So with no surprise here, Cig and George picked up their third win this season. So well deserved.
Keaghlan and Melissa’s creation was fun and definitely not the direction I saw any of the teams going. I liked the troll makeup more than the fairy makeup since the latter didn’t really read fairy but overall, the characters worked together…still they didn’t necessarily work to the best of their ability for the challenge. Needless to say, Keaghlan and Melissa were a bottom look. Logan and Adam had a good idea but it missed the mark on the execution, especially the comedic front for me. They too were a bottom look. Logan and Adam were a bottom look in the week before as well, so it didn’t look good for them. But surprise, surprise, it was actually Keaghlan and Melissa who were eliminated. Understandably so though as they went too far left in this challenge and at least Logan and Adam were on the right track. Now we are down to the final four teams. Who are you rooting for to make it to the finals?

Elimination Recap
Eliminated This Week: Keaghlan and Melissa
Total Eliminations: Stella (Season 7) & Jasmine (Season 9), Niko (Season 6) & Cat (Season 6), Gage (Season 1) & Rachael (Season 7), Keaghlan (Season 7) & Melissa (Season 10), Cig (Season 7), Tyler (Season 6), George (Season 7), Adam (Season 8), Emily (Season 8), Logan (Season 8), Ben (Season 9), Evan (Season 9)
Face Off airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Syfy.