An all new Face Off airs tomorrow night so as we wait, here’s a recap of last week along with my thoughts!

Last week, host McKenzie Westmore and Professional Language Creator, David Peterson (Game of Thrones, Defiance, Dominion) met the artists to deliver the latest spotlight challenge. We’re on week three now and no foundation or focus challenge. Interesting. Anyway, the challenge…
The artists chose their teammates (worked in pairs) and selected one of six artifacts belonging to a long lost race along with its corresponding language created by Peterson as inspiration for their creation…an actual member of that long lost race based on the above.
Kaleb and Mel chose the snake deity. Walter and Rob chose a feline artifact. Robert and Johnny chose an octopus type of artifact. Yvonne and Anna chose a god-like artifact. Melissa and Katie chose the wing artifact. Ant and Njoroge chose the ray gun like artifact.
In the lab, Ant and Njoroge has to reassess after series mentor, Michael Westmore came in to check on everyone. Robert and Johnny had issues with their cowl and polyfoam. In last looks, it appears Yvonne and Anna dropped an idea at the last minute but felt good about it. Overall, everyone except Robert and Johnny seemed to be in good spirits. Eeek!

On the reveal stage, Yvonne and Anna blew me away. Melissa & Katie did a fantastic job! Still debating if I like the pink wig though. Walter & Rob aced the look for the language but I wasn’t super impressed with the makeup otherwise. Robert and Johnny’s creation was fun and I was excited for them…until the judges gave their input ha ha. I don’t think Kaleb and Mel’s language completely fit but I got what they were going for. Same for Ant and Njoroge though that was a fail. But I’m not the professional here. So what did the judges think?
Walter & Rob and Melissa & Katie were safe. The judges’ top looks were Yvonne & Anna and Kaleb & Mel with Yvonne & Anna winning! Yes! I was totally rooting for them this week so that’s very exciting. This week’s sole spotlight challenge winner was Yvonne. Congrats, Yvonne!
The bottom looks were Robert & Johnny and Ant & Njoroge with Ant being sent home. Again, not yet connected to any particular artist yet so this elimination didn’t move me. All the best, Ant! And again, congrats Yvonne and Anna!

Elimination Recap
Eliminated This Episode: Anthony
Total Eliminations: Anna, Jennifer, Anthony, Katie, Mel, Melissa, Yvonne, Greg, Johnny, Kaleb, Njoroge, Rob, Robert, Walter
Face Off airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on Syfy.