Buy Indie Press: Algonquin Young Readers


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Each month, #BuyIndiePress puts the spotlight on indie books from a handful of small presses and the like. All of the details are at the Buy Indie Press page. I’m so excited to have put the spotlight on FluxSpencer Hill Press/Spencer Hill Contemporary, and SOHO Teen in the first month and as we transition into the second month, I’m even more pumped to put the spotlight on Algonquin Young Readers!

Today is all about SOHO Teen! 

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Algonquin Young Readers is a new imprint that features books for readers seven to seventeen. From short illustrated novels for the youngest independent readers to timely and topical crossover young adult fiction, what ties our books together are unforgettable characters, absorbing stories, and superior writing. Our imprint is dedicated to publishing works of the same literary merit and enduring quality that are the hallmarks of our parent imprint, Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill. 


ISBN: 978-1616203726

The first book from Algonquin Young Readers that I recently read was the young adult magical realism novel, The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma (@novaren) which released March 24, 2015.

I know the year has just begun but I can tell you with complete certainty that this is one of the best books I will read all year. It’s marvelous. One of the best books I’ve read period. This story follows two girls – two friends (told from both of their POVs), one in a juvenile correction facility, the other living out their dreams of working towards being a ballerina. But it’s not that simple as we see in reading the book, following their two very different lives that change on one very distinct night and are forever linked by one very incredible person, one very magical number.

This is a mysterious and masterfully woven tale about friends and foes and feathers. Anger and isolation and privilege. Betrayal and coping and power and more coping and oh so much more. It’s a fascinating look at what people do for the things they want and cannot have, the perspectives people have and will not see any other way, and the lies we tell, the crimes we commit, and the regrets, the ghosts that haunt us everyday. I say all of that but there’s so much that I’m not saying because there’s simply so much here to marvel at and I don’t want to spoil a single thing.

As a writer, I bow down to Nova Ren Suma. This book will make you fall in love with reading, with storytelling, with voice, with the beauty in broken people and strange worlds, with writing all over again. Her words are honest. Raw. Her prose is masterful. I absolutely love the tone of this story, the rhythm of these words, the questions, the revelations…everything. Gave me chills. Simply put, if Nova Ren Suma isn’t on your auto-buy list now, she will be after you finish reading this.

Be sure to get this audiobook as well because it’s fantastic and remember to add this title to your “To Read” shelf on Goodreads!


More Titles From Algonquin Young Readers To Check Out:

1. A Fierce and Subtle Poison by Samantha Mabry

In this stunning debut, legends collide with reality when a boy is swept into the magical, dangerous world of a girl filled with poison.

A new magical novel just as spring nears? This will be the perfect read come April!

Releases April 12, 2016

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2. Jackaby by William Ritter

I’ve heard so many amazing  things, in fact nothing but amazing things about this historical fiction fantasy. I’ve heard that it’s a really fun read and its sequel released last fall with the third book in the series releasing later this year, so I’m excited to check this series out later in the year!

Released September 16, 2014

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3. The One Safe Place by Tania Unsworth

It’s been awhile since I’ve read a middle grade dystopian novel and this sounds right up my alley, so I’m very excited for the moment when I’ll be able to sit down and read this!

Released April 29, 2014

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What books from Algonquin Young Readers have you read and loved or added to your TBR list?