Buy Indie Press: SOHO Teen


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Each month, #BuyIndiePress puts the spotlight on indie books from a handful of small presses and the like. All of the details are at the Buy Indie Press page. This month, I’m so excited to be putting the spotlight on FluxSpencer Hill Press/Spencer Hill Contemporary, SOHO Teen, and Algonquin Young Readers!

Today is all about SOHO Teen! 

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Soho Teen publishes a select list of YA mysteries and thrillers by international bestsellers, award winners, and debut novelists with stellar credits. Born of the conviction that compelling YA of any genre involves thrill and mystery, Soho Teen’s titles include the paranormal and dystopian, the humorous and realistic, the tragic and uplifting—whatever serves a great story best. Soho Teen’s small list is unique in that every title has a high-stakes, page-turning puzzle at its heart.


ISBN: 978-1616955601

The first book from SOHO Teen that I’m aware that I read was the young adult speculative fiction novel, More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera (@adamsilvera) which released June 2, 2015.

Adam Silvera’s extraordinary debut novel offers a unique confrontation of race, class and sexuality during one charged near-future summer in the Bronx.

This book which I won’t say too much about here is unforgettable in the very best way. The concept reeled me in immediately (memory alteration, count me in), the voice and the superb writing hooked me, and the three dimensional diverse characters kept me turning page after page. More Happy Than Not is a lovely, funny, heart-wrenching, fearless story about truth and you must read it asap. You can read my review of this novel here which I highly recommend you add to your “To Read” shelf on Goodreads!


ISBN: 978-1616953607

My most recent SOHO Teen read was The Unfinished Life of Addison Stone by Adele Griffin (@adelegriffin) which released August 12, 2014 (Add it to Goodreads). I read this young adult contemporary novel over the past two nights and wow. This is one of those books that’s on your “To Read” list for the longest time and when you finally get to it you have no idea why in the world you waited so long to read it.

This is a fictional account of a prodigy who died young and left behind questions of how she truly died along with questions of who she really was. Gifted. Troubled. Both in more ways than one. I loved, loved, loved the story just as much as I loved all of the characters and hearing straight from the people who knew Addison talk about their memories of Addison – both the good and the bad and the gray. As well as the good and the bad of each other while in Addison’s world. Because most everyone’s lives revolved around this girl.

The story is told in the form of interviews that a journalist has gathered for a biography of Addison Stone, including a few excerpts of interviews Addison once conducted and much of Addison’s art. Photos of Addison and those close to her are also intertwined and it’s just so fascinating and mesmerizing seeing how much this fictional world and these fictional characters have been brought to life. The way that this story is told is so masterful and when you see it, when you experience this greatness, you’ll see exactly what I mean.

Addison Stone is a gifted artist haunted by ghosts, burdened by her mental illness, and freed by art. This story means so much to me and I can’t even begin to express how happy it makes me to know that this book exists, to know that it’s constantly getting into the right readers’ hands. This book is absolutely fantastic and is easily one of my favorite reads of the year – and the first month of the year hasn’t even come to an end. This book is a true work of art and this piece is one I’ll never forget.


More Titles From SOHO Teen To Check Out:

1. The Devil and Winnie Flynn by Micol Ostow & David Ostow

It’s set in New Jersey, where I was born and raised and the main character, a horror fan, spends her summer with her high profile TV producer Aunt…and the devil it seems. I’m all in. Can’t wait to read this one!

Released October 13, 2015

Add it to Goodreads

2. I’m Glad I Did by Cynthia Weil

A coming of age rock-n-roll murder mystery set in 1963 NY? Count me in.

Released January 27, 2015

Add it to Goodreads

3. Hear by Robin Epstein

I’ve actually begun reading this sci-fi novel already and am intrigued and enjoying it so far!

Released December 29, 2015

Add it to Goodreads

What books from SOHO Teen have you read and loved or added to your TBR list?