Just in Time for the Holiday Season: We Need Diverse Books Partners With Scholastic Reading Club

Growing up, I lived for the Scholastic Reading Club flyers and the Scholastic book fairs at school. I have always read a lot but my reading would have been even more colorful at school had I gotten the opportunity to select from a full page spread of diverse books when this flyer made its way to me in the classroom.

I remember getting so excited seeing one or two books with characters on the cover who looked like me and/or story lines that mirrored me. It feels good to know that in an imaginary world, you’re still there, you matter. I can’t even imagine the joy I would feel if there were a a full page…or complete flyer dedicated to books that expanded upon the many differences that make up humanity.


This is what We Need Diverse Books has accomplished! A special edition issue of Scholastic Reading Club that only features diverse books is here. Over 75 diverse books are featured! I am so proud!

Now I’m not quite sure what Scholastic Reading Club’s goal is longterm but this is a great start seeing as how this never even was happening when I was a kid. So for more information, be sure to visit Scholastic!

And if your child gets these flyers, be sure to check this out and support diverse books! We ask for them and here they are! Support diverse books this holiday season. It will be one of the greatest gifts you ever give.