The Face Off season 9 finale is here!
The final three, Nora, Ben, and Evan worked side by side with a director and former Face Off judge, Patrick Tatopoulos (and now husband of McKenzie Westmore) along with a full production crew to create three short films on location! Part 1 of the challenge saw the teams create two characters. Part 2? A surprise third character!
As a brief recap, Nora chose the fantasy script of “The Prey” and had the help of Jasmine and Meg, Ben got the sci-fi script of “Resurrection” and had the help of Jordan and Scott, and Evan chose the apocalyptic script of “The Quarantine Zone” and had the help of Kevon and Stevie.
After Patrick revised the storyboards and scripts with the third character for each script and delivered them to the teams, they were each given another former contestant to come in and help out! Sweet! Nora chose Ricky, Ben chose Ben, and Evan got Libby.

On location, the artists made their creations yet again plus the new one and we got to see them in the trailers getting ready. Can I just say that I love Nora’s criticisms and leadership skills? She is on point. She gets what she needs to say across with authority and in a respectful way. It’s wonderful. I love it.
Come time to shoot, it was even more awesome seeing the artists take direction from Patrick and roll with the challenges he presented. There’s nothing like seeing your work come to life while also working in your dream location and seeing how things really go down in film production.
The moment of truth…picking the winner of Face Off season 9! I’m very impressed with Evan’s revisions for his characters and making all three much more cohesive. I really enjoyed his short film as well. I loved Nora’s characters more than I liked the short film that accompanied it. I didn’t feel like the sound effects for the hunter was a match and some of the effects felt too whimsical for the setting. And I’m not going to lie, I didn’t get Ben’s short film all that much. I got some of it but not all of it, enough to love it anyway. And his third character was a throwaway compared to the other two artists’ third characters.
So my favorite short film was Evan’s but my favorite makeup goes to Nora! Also, it was so much fun to see the models in action, some of which we’ve seen season after season on the show. Loved the idea of the short films, I can only hope this isn’t the last time we see this on the show.
So who won Face Off season 9? NORA!!!!! Yes!!!!!!! So, so happy!!!! Team Nora all the way! So happy for her!!!!! Yessss!!!! Congratulations, Nora! You earned it!!!!! What a great season!!!!!

Elimination Recap
Eliminated This Episode: Ben and Evan
Face Off Season 9 Winner: Nora
Total Eliminations: Brittany, Jasmine, Libby, Meg, Melissa, Nora, Stevie, Ben, Evan, Jason, Jordan, Kevon, Omar, Ricky, Scott, Sidney
Stay tuned for the big tenth season of Face Off coming January 2016 only on Syfy.