This review is part of Melody’s Summer Reading: Diversity Spotlight. Enjoy!
Shadow by Amanda Sun
Release Date: June 1, 2013
Publisher: Harlequin TEEN
Genre: Young Adult Urban Fantasy
Source: Bought
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Katie Greene’s worst nightmare comes true when her mother dies, and she’s devastated to learn that she will have to leave the only home she’s ever known. Desperate to find where she belongs, she must decide if she has what it takes to start a new life across the ocean.
For Yuu Tomohiro, every day is a nightmare. He struggles to control his strange ability, and keeps everyone at a distance so they won’t get hurt—even his girlfriend, Myu. At night, a shadow haunts his dreams, and a mysterious woman torments him with omens of death and destruction. But these haunting premonitions are only the beginning…
I decided to read the prequel novella of Shadow by Amanda Sun to determine if I’d be interested in starting the trilogy, as I’d been on the fence about reading Inked ever since I first heard about it around the time of its release. So I’ve finally gotten around to diving into this world and this writing and I think I’m interested in starting this series.
This prequel is told in alternating points of view between Katie and Yuu Tomohiro which I loved because if there’s anything I especially love about dual POV is when it’s a female and male of different cultural backgrounds telling the story. I believe Inked only follows one POV, Katie’s so it was a treat to get Yuu’s here. I could have done without the prologue but aside from that, Yuu Tomohiro’s journey is quite intriguing. From his dreams to his ability, there’s so much more to learn about him and his path.
Katie was also very captivating, as we follow her in the aftermath of her mother’s death. Making the decision to move from the United States in with her Aunt who lives in Japan isn’t an easy one so I very much appreciated seeing Katie’s struggle here and us not just jumping right into her life in Japan. Another reason why I love prequels. We often get to see the setup of how the MC ended up in a position that will soon change their entire lives.
Both of the characters were very well developed as were the minor characters that I’m already looking forward to seeing more of in Inked. I’m especially looking forward to the relationship between Katie and Yuu Tomohiro and seeing how the dynamic takes shape over the course of the series. Great set up here as we get to see them as the individuals that they are first.
I’m also looking forward to more of the setting of Japan. I love how much research the author has done for this setting, for the characters in this setting, for this world. I applaud the author for her hard work really bringing all that is Japan to life in this story. I think it’s great work. Great job all around. So if you’re on the fence like I was about reading the series, start with the prequel and then get started because so far, it’s definitely worth it.
Shadow by Amanda Sun is available today.