May 10 – May 16, 2015
* New series in CAPS
* Reviews May Contain Spoilers
Note: Due to time constraints, I will not be reviewing Wayward Pines.
Photo Credit: ABC
Once Upon A Time (ABC)
Episode 4.22 “Operation Mongoose” (Season Finale)
Wow, what a finale!! This show sure knows how to ace their finales. Watching Henry face off against the author who banished everyone in Storybrooke to the Enchanted Forest was so exciting! And that was just the beginning. We got to see Henry in the Forest, reacting to all of the people he knows and loves as different versions of themselves. I mean… I know this isn’t Fringe but can we call this alt-universe the green universe? Or the red? Anyway, I loved Regina. I loved that she said, “Kid” a lot when we all know who said that a lot in the Pilot. Nice contrast for many reasons with the season one throwbacks.
And Snow White as evil?! That was awesome. Overall, this was a great two hour finale that definitely delivered. I’m not going to lie though, I’m a bit bummed about Emma’s predicament. I hope this conflict is really inventive and not the same old, same old. I really hope season five (ah I can’t believe we’re already gearing up for season five!) is the best season yet and out of this world amazing. Only time will tell!
Castle (ABC) – Episode 7.23 “Hollander’s Woods” (Season Finale)
Well, this was slightly more interesting than last week’s episode which is good since it was the finale but it was by no means an exciting finale nor will it ever be in the running for one of the best (or memorable) finales the show has had. That said, it was awesome to see Lance Reddick (Fringe) guest star in this episode. How about that proposal for Beckett running for State Senate? How about Castle’s journey in this episode? I’m glad this episode wasn’t so much of the traditional pattern of the show in regards to a case but I was still a bit bored which is disappointing for a finale. Looking forward to seeing what’s in store for next season though as I’ve said before, I won’t be reviewing it next season. It’s just not engrossing enough and doesn’t leave me excited to talk about it afterwards. So… weak finale but I appreciate the hint of the direction the show is going for next season.
Arrow (THE CW)
Episode 3.23 “My Name Is Oliver Queen” (Season Finale)
That was the season finale?! What was that?! Ugh. No words. Ugh.
Photo Credit: ABC
The Middle (ABC) – Episode 6.24 “The Graduate” (Season Finale)
Oh my goodness, what a fantastic finale! The year of Sue came to an end in such a marvelous way! My eyes watered for Sue as it looked like, as usual, the odds were against her but then THEN the yearbook scene. Oh!!! The writers really made it worth it, all of those down times Sue had led to that moment and it was beautiful. I loved it. I loved the Sue montage! I remembered most of the episodes that were shown in the montage so that was fun. I loved that Axl was so worried about his girlfriend while she was away. I loved that Brick had the opportunity to skip a grade even though he didn’t. His smarts were acknowledged in a way they haven’t before and that was great to see. This was a wonderful finale! One of my favorites this TV season.
Modern Family (ABC) – Episode 6.23 “Crying Out Loud”
Gloria interfering with Manny’s love life never gets old. Claire’s professional life with dad always brings in the laughs. And Alex bonding with Haley…Phil watching it all go down? Yes, please! More of that next season. Great episode. Not necessarily entirely memorable overall but still, solid episode!
Blackish (ABC) – Episode 1.23 “Elephant in the Room”
What’s better than watching Blackish and laughing out loud? Doing it with your family. I got to watch this week’s episode with my sister, who doesn’t watch a lot of TV and she laughed out loud just as much as I did. This was a great episode, another winner in the books. Looking forward to the finale next week but oh man am I going to miss this show when it goes on hiatus. So good!
Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)
Episode 11.24 “You’re My Home ” (Season Finale)
We feel the effects of the year long time jump in this episode especially as April was faced with going overseas again or staying and mending her marriage with Jackson which she just now realizes has had a great strain on it. I think that was the biggest thing for me. I loved seeing Meredith and her sisters in the final scene. That was beautiful. I did think that ending with a dance sequence was a classic season finale move. Cop out? I don’t know. It has been awhile since we got a happy finale. But still, I can’t help but feel a bit cheated. But I trust the writers so I am excited to see what’s in store for next season! What do you think?
Photo Credit: Annette Brown/ The CW
The Vampire Diaries (The CW)
Episode 6.22 “I’m Thinking of You All the While” (Season Finale)
We said goodbye to quite a few characters in the finale, most importantly Michael Trevino and one of our three main leads, Nina Dobrev. What great sendoffs. What a great finale. Easily the saddest one. Mystic Falls won’t be the same without them. I am super intrigued by the final scene of the finale and looking forward to see how everyone is dealing with the loss of Elena in season seven. Another great finale from the writers of TVD! Can’t wait for another amazing season.
Scandal (ABC)
Episode 4.22 “You Can’t Take Command” (Season Finale)
Oh wow! Rowan blackmailing Mellie? Olivia rallying the troops for real, for real to go against her father, against B613 for realsies! Rowan using what he knew to be one step ahead of Olivia as per usual. Elizabeth North being the one who may have saved Olivia without Liv even realizing it by speaking up to the President about Mellie’s meeting with Rowan. Wow wow wow wow wow. Huck working for Rowan because he felt he didn’t have a choice?!
Fitz finding out about what Mellie did for Rowan? Fitz has been looking for a reason to throw Mellie out since season one ha ha but at least this is a legit reason. Fitz then firing Cyrus?! Ahh! Oh my goodness. I’m going to miss him. But Liz taking his position…Yay!! We get more Portia de Rossi next season! I am SO excited for that! Jake letting Olivia go because he knows she loves Fitz…wow. Liv going back to Fitz, not fighting it any longer… Eeeee! So much happened in this episode! There’s so much that can and will happen next season omg the possibilities. Wow. Another stellar finale from the writers of Scandal!