TV Talk: Week in Review ’14 – ’15 #30

Reviews for Spring TV Shows Which Aired
April 12 – April 18, 2015

* New series in CAPS
* Reviews May Contain Spoilers

Note: Due to time constraints, I will not be reviewing the entire season of The Messengers or the final season of Lost Girl but I do have thoughts about Lost Girl. For now, all I will say is… Kenzi!!!

Once Upon A Time (ABC) – Episode 4.18 “Heart of Gold”
While I wasn’t enthralled this week, it was quite fun to see how far the Wicked Witch will go, how far everyone will go for what they want and/or need, whether right or wrong. So I definitely can appreciate this episode, it just wasn’t something I’d bring up at the water cooler.

The Last Man On Earth (FOX)
Episodes 1.09 “The Do-Over” and 1.10 “Pranks for Nothin’”

In the first episode of the night, Phil asks God for a do over and right after his shallow request, he comes across two ladies who introduce themselves as Gail (Mary Steenburgen, Justified) and Erica (Cleopatra Coleman, Neighbours). Of course, Phil immediately thinks about what this means for him not the greater purpose and he thinks this is his do over. Why one earth he’d think he could actually start over at this point is beyond me. He’s already cemented his new beginning with Carol, Melissa, and Todd. Any other people are just adding to the mix, not erasing it. I was not happy with Phil for lying to Gail and Erica. That was pointless. Selfish. And immature. But that’s Phil. What I loved though was that we saw him struggling the entire time, knowing that his lies were wrong. So, he knew what he was doing wasn’t right. That he continued to dig himself a whole was mind boggling but acceptance is the first step and he’s acknowledging so next he just needs to accept.

In the next episode, Carol tells off Gail and Erica in the most hilarious way possible. #HussyPie. Throughout the episode, Phil comes to the conclusion that wow, he is a compulsive liar and is quite selfish more times than not. It was great to see him come clean to the group about his missteps. Hopefully this is a good deed of his that we see more often. Or moreso hopefully he doesn’t put himself in situations where he is so dishonest period ha ha.

Photo Credit: Jessica Miglio/FOX

Gotham (FOX) – Episode 1.19 “Beasts of Prey”
Fish plotting her escape from the Dollmaker was without question, the absolute most exciting part of this episode. Ahh! It is so exciting watching her in this powerless predicament as she does everything she can to make this not so.

Meanwhile, Gordon and Bullock were on a case involving a serial killer played by Milo Ventimiglia (Heroes) so that was exciting! Always love seeing my Heroes cast pop up in other shows that I watch. I believe it’s a three episode arc so I’m looking forward to seeing how this continues to play out.

Finally, Bruce and Selina had their own thing going on but all I remember is Selina pushing a guy out of a window because Bruce couldn’t find himself to do it himself. Killers being made. Selina and Bruce conflict always, please and thank you. Solid return!

Scorpion (CBS) – Episode 1.21 “Cliffhanger”
Oh man, this episode didn’t quite do it for me but I did love the conflict between Walter and Gallo though it does make me nervous about Gallo’s future. Is this just a small tiff? Or is this setting up for Gallo’s departure from the team and maybe even the show? I haven’t heard anything about the actor, Robert Patrick leaving the show so it seems to be more of the former than the latter but who knows what the future holds for Gallo. I’d rather he stay, so hopefully this is just a small tiff. Only time will tell!

Photo Credit: Syfy

Face Off (Syfy) – Episode 8.14 “The Dream Team” (Season Finale)
Read my review of the season finale here.

Arrow (The CW) – Episode 3.19 “Broken Arrow”
Wow! What an episode! They really had us thinking that Thea was a goner there! The thing is, the preview for next week takes away the worry. I wish they hadn’t shown so much so that the uncertainty would still be unsettling. I mean, she could still be dead but now I don’t take the threat of that so seriously because it seems she might come back in some way but then again, the preview for next week could be misleading. After all, The CW is good for that. But even if Thea really does die and doesn’t come back…flashbacks. There are so many. So, agh I’m not sad right now because I don’t know how to feel thanks to that preview for next week’s episode. Talk about conflicted! I need next week’s episode asap! Also, it seems Roy is leaving Team Arrow. I’m not all that sad about that but I’m sure I’ll feel the hit in the first few episodes without him. Though I’m sure an even better sidekick will come along soon enough. What do you think?

The Middle (ABC) – Episode 6.20 “Food Courting”
It’s so hard to believe Axl is 21 already! Time flies! It was heartwarming watching Mike try to bond with Axl over this momentous year. Meanwhile, Sue has a new job offer, go Sue! And Brick was give Frankie heck. Haha. Get it? Heck?! Ha ha ha anyway, it was funny! I don’t love this attitude Brick but it was bound to happen at some point! I wonder how the writers will handle this moving forward. I hope it’s not too much! After all, I still want to enjoy Brick haha. What do you think?

Photo Credit: ABC

Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) – Episode 11.20 “One Flight Down”
Meredith and Arizona’s memories of the plane crash are triggered when a small plane crash prompts a busy day at the hospital and I absolutely loved the way that this was handled. Arizona finding out who really cut her leg off and why it was kept from her. The new kids finding out about Meredith and Arizona’s plane crash trauma. I loved the relaying and fangirling there. Ha! Then there’s Owen and Amelia who are having a relationship tiff. Blah. Boring compared to what else was happening in this episode. Am I right or am I right?

The Vampire Diaries (The CW)
Episode 6.18 “I Could Never Love Like That”

Stefan and Caroline’s humanity are both still turned off and if you’ve been following my reviews, you know how hit or miss I feel about the performance of no humanity Caroline. This week’s performance? This was a hit. It was the best portrayal of no humanity Caroline by far. Anyway, Stefan and Caroline’s current state left Tyler and Matt in quite a predicament! But that wasn’t even the oh snap moment! The big moment for me came when Damon brought Lily, his and Stefan’s mom to no humanity Stefan. Ha. Wooo! Cue Stefan’s humanity being turned back on! Nothing like a mother to set you straight. Which. Eek. I heard it as soon as I said it since Caroline’s mother has passed away. 🙁

Meanwhile, Elena has thoughts when she finds out Jo is pregnant. And by thoughts I mean the I wish I were human again thoughts. Oh, Elena. Knowing that Nina Dobrev is leaving the show this season, I feel like this is setting up for her turning human again (and maybe dying? Or would that be too much?) so I’m interested in seeing how the rest of this story line plays out for her. Anyway, I also loved Enzo’s origin story this week. Great episode here. Job well done all around as per usual!

Scandal (ABC) – Episode 4.19 “I’m Just a Bill”
“We may be on different sides but at least you’ve become a worthy opponent. Bravo, Olivia. Bravo.” – Rowan

I love that Susan (Artemis Pebdani, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) is as we see, the only person in office who is actually there for the people and not the game of politics and she puts the President in his place reminding him that that’s his job. I also really loved Olivia’s case this week and and and Olivia’s father asking her to take him on but B613 justice is all Liv is about. And now Jake is dead?! Ahhhh!!!! I was not expecting that! And I’m completely okay with that actually. But he died and the stakes have been raised significantly once again. I am so pumped! There are only 2 episodes left until the finale ahh!!! Great episode and now great suspense as we don’t know who could be next! Everybody is Rowan’s target and anybody on Team Liv could be next!

Photo Credit: Ursula Coyote/The CW

THE MESSENGERS (The CW) – Episode 1.01 “Awakening”
Solid series premiere here! I wasn’t won over by the cold open but once the inciting incident played out, I was way more intrigued and then the climax had me itching for more and then the wings…what!!! Angels! Yes, please! I love a good angel story and it’s been awhile since a good one has been on TV. That’s the moment when I decided that I was in for this show. The wings.

Also, I want to point out that I love how the messengers are of various ages, genders, & from such different walks of life. Go, diversity! The CW is so good at diversity, I love it. Now I couldn’t tell you a single name of any of the characters on the show but I do feel myself connecting to them and I like the direction their journeys are heading and the execution of such (give or take 2 things that I won’t get into to stop the rant before it begins) so I’m looking forward to episode two and seeing how this show grows each week.