TV Talk: Face Off Episode 8.09 “Miss Intergalactic”

Photo Credit: Syfy

Champion Teams:
Team Rayce: Adam, Anthony, Rob, Logan, and Regina
Team Anthony: Kelly, Alan, Ben, Daniel, and Jamie
Team Laura: Darla, Julian, Emily, Gregory, and Stephanie

Check out last week’s review here.

Can I just say, there are only 8 artists left and 4 of them are on Team Laura! Woot woot! Team Laura for the win! Okay, so, this week, host, McKenzie Westmore took the cast to Long Beach for this week’s foundation challenge. Which was inspired by the ancient Hindu Festival, the Holi Festival. Can I just say, I love the diversity this show embraces! The challenge? Create their own colorful makeup that represents Spring…only using their hands and 7 colors. I loved that the coaches picked the winner of this challenge, with the artists standing on the side rather than standing side by side with their creation, for anonymity. The guest mentor this week was Miss Venezuela 2012 and Miss Universe 2013, Gabriela Isler. My favorites were Logan, Emily, and Kelly. The coaches picked Stephanie who won immunity!

As for the spotlight challenge? McKenzie delivered quite a spotlight challenge for the artists. They had to create an alien beauty queen for the Miss Intergalactic Pageant. Ha! Everyone seemed excited about this challenge and really, who wouldn’t be excited about this? This is one of the coolest challenges on Face Off ever. Best of all? The winner would get a FULL PAGE spread in Entertainment Weekly Magazine. WOW. That is cool. As if we weren’t are pumped enough. Right?!

Adam chose Miss Cigar Galaxy, Logan chose Miss Comet Galaxy, Kelly picked Miss Sombrero Galaxy, Ben picked Miss Andromeda Galaxy, Darla chose Miss Sculptor Galaxy, Julian picked Miss Whirlpool Galaxy, Emily chose Miss Pinwheel Galaxy, and finally, Miss Immunity aka Stephanie picked Miss Tadpole Galaxy. Based on the galaxies, I was most excited to see Logan, Kelly, Julian, and Emily’s final creations.

The guest judge this week was Senior Writer for Entertainment Weekly, Darren Franich. My favorite looks were Emily, Adam, Julian, and Darla. The top looks were Adam, Julian, and Darla so three of my favorites. Woo! Of those three, the winner of this challenge was Darla. Major congrats! Logan, Emily, and Stephanie were safe. The bottom looks were Kelly and Ben, both from Team Anthony. I didn’t want either Kelly or Ben to go but someone had to go and it was Kelly.

She had too much going on whereas Ben knew what he wanted to do but took a big risk that didn’t quite work as well as it could have. I can understand choosing someone who had a clear vision over someone who had too much happening. Still, it was so sad to see Kelly go. She was so much fun on this show. I know this isn’t the last of her work we’ll see so only time will tell what opportunities arise for her. Congrats on all that you accomplished, Kelly!

What did you think of this week?

Face Off airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Syfy.