Advance TV Review: The Last Man on Earth Episode 1.03 Raisinballs and Wedding Bells

As you know based on my review of the series premiere of The Last Man on Earth, I am all in for Fox’s latest new half hour comedy. The Last Man on Earth is indeed my favorite new comedy of this TV season. So let’s dive right in to what I loved about tonight’s episode!

Photo Credit: Jordin Althaus/FOX

Last week’s premiere ended brilliantly, with the discovery of the last woman on earth… Carol. And it’s time for Phil and Carol’s wedding on this week’s episode of The Last Man on Earth! I really enjoyed watching Phil still coming to terms with what he agreed to do – marry Carol so that they could repopulate the earth without making bastards, as Carol puts it.

“Oh! I’m famished. After doing the nasty, I need to have some beans.” – Carol

What’s so great about this episode is that it shows Carol’s struggle as well since Phil isn’t exactly her first choice to procreate with either. The difference is, she’s gotten past that and is eagerly awaiting getting the world back in shape. She’s up front with Phil and patient with Phil but that doesn’t mean her armor hasn’t been scraped a little by Phil’s resistance. What’s great though is that she has hope and that hope is the polish to that armor. Even when she’s frustrated, she never gives up and that’s so lovely to see! As well as hysterical as it is the catalyst for some pretty hilarious moments for the two.

“I can’t believe I just had sex with the President of the United States.” – Carol

Phil is not quite in the same headspace, nowhere near, until he realizes just how important entering into this new beginning is for Carol. And that was also beautiful to see. It’s not easy going from a world that revolves around you to a life with another person which forces you to be selfless whether you’re ready or not. Watching Phil’s journey here really was rewarding because he battles with reigning in the freedom he’s given himself in the sense that he didn’t have to care about anything before but now, someone is here to make him care again. To use all of the best qualities that make us human. And it’s wonderful.

My three favorite moments in this episode? When Phil goes to find Carol after the wedding fail. When Phil puts on the last ring. And when Carol and Phil bond, truly bond after marriage. Oh, and I can’t forget the ending but since it hasn’t aired yet, I won’t spoil it for you. All I will say is that it’s funny how when we surrender our all, things begin to happen. Boy is it happening! As soon as Phil accepts his new life, he’s hit with the realization that there was more to this life than he (maybe even both of them) realized. The question now is what Carol and Phil will do about it, you know, having just been married and all.

And can I just say, because it needs to be said over and over again…bravo to the writers for nailing the pacing of this show! They are brilliant storytellers and absolutely fantastic comedians. I am so excited for next week and you should be too! The Last Man on Earth is funny and charming and surprising and the first live action comedy you should be tuning into to start your week each week…. as well as the only post apocalyptic worthy of living in! Tune in tonight. You don’t want to miss it.

Watch The Last Man on Earth Sundays at 9:30 ET/PT only on Fox.