Photo Credit: Syfy
Champion Teams:
Team Rayce: Adam, Anthony, Rob, Logan, and Regina
Team Anthony: Kelly, Alan, Ben, Daniel, and Jamie
Team Laura: Darla, Julian, Emily, Gregory, and Stephanie
Check out last week’s review here.
In this week’s foundation challenge, the artists had to pick a hat to create an original character of their own. Immunity was key since there are only ten contestants left and competition is fiercer than ever. So, the models were randomly assigned and as usual, they had two hours to complete the foundation challenge. I really liked Rob, Emily, Jamie, Ben, Stephanie, and Adam’s. I must say, I love Rob’s ideas. He’s so innovative and I can’t wait to see what he gets to do outside of Face Off.
Academy-Award winning Makeup Artist and Face Off Season 7 Judge, Lois Burwell (Legend, The Princess Bride, Saving Private Ryan, War of the Worlds, Lincoln) was this week’s guest judge. She thought Rob and Emily were the top foundation challenge looks (I agree) with Emily winning the challenge and earning immunity for the week!
So…the spotlight challenge started off really bare. And by bare I mean the models were naked in the woods. I’m not even joking. But I’m getting ahead of myself. First, the artists were instructed that they had to work in teams of two and select an insect to inspire an insect queen and her companion. The pairs were Emily and Jamie (Honey Bee), Ben and Kelly (European Hornet), Darla and Stephanie (Jewel Beetle), Rob and Adam (Ladybug), & Logan and Julian (Cuckoo Wasp).
Then the twist. They wouldn’t be working in the labs this week but instead right there in the woods of Canyon Park. And out come the naked models. This was a nude body painting challenge. Not everyone’s skill set. Body Painter, Nix Herrera came into mentor the artists before their five and a half hour challenge. Most of the artists weren’t too thrilled with this challenge because they were all out of their element and understandably worried about nailing this challenge.
Emily and Jamie (Honey Bee) knocked it out of the park. I absolutely loved theirs. Loved. I really liked what Rob and Adam (Ladybug) as well as what Darla and Stephanie (Jewel Beetle) were going for but they could have been better. I thought the latter two teams of Ben and Kelly (European Hornet) & Logan and Julian (Cuckoo Wasp) were alright. The top looks were Logan and Julian & Emily and Jamie with the former winning the challenge and Logan being the sole winner. The bottom looks were Rob and Adam, & Ben and Kelly. Based on what the judges said, I was expecting Ben or Kelly to go home so I was shocked when Rob was the one eliminated. Wow! Oh man, these eliminations are getting hard to watch. Gah! I’m already super sad to see who’s going to get the boot next week.
Face Off airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Syfy.