TV Talk: Face Off Episode 8.03 “Let the Games Begin”

Photo Credit: Syfy

Champion Teams:
Team Rayce:
Adam, Anthony, Rob, Logan, and Regina
Team Anthony: Kelly, Alan, Ben, Daniel, and Jamie
Team Laura: Darla, Julian, Emily, Gregory, and Stephanie

Check out last week’s review here.

This week, we caught up with the artists at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum where host, McKenzie Westmore as well as judges, Ve Neill and Glenn Hetrick gave them their latest spotlight challenge. The challenge? Be their very own deadly game engineer and create a deadly predator. Fitting as this week’s guest judge was Josh Hutcherson (The Hunger Games). Of course the challenge comes with strings. They had to incorporate the elements of a deadly animal and an exotic plant which were already paired up for them to choose.

The challenge was broken down to teams of two that were randomly assigned and allowed for the teams to crossover which I didn’t expect so that was pretty cool. Kelly and Daniel. Ben and Darla. Julian and Adam. Anthony and Logan. Emily and Regina. Stephanie and Alan. Rob and Jamie. I have to say, I love the close ups they do when the teams are already assigned. Their faces are disappointed, neutral, or excited and I find that absolutely hilarious. Anyway.

Kelly and Daniel chose the scorpion and delphinium. Ben and Darla picked the ram and cactus. Julian and Adam chose the bat and sugarbush protea. Anthony and Logan picked the warthog and american pitcher plant. Emily and Regina chose the hyena and shampoo ginger. Stephanie and Alan chose the thorny dragon and cockscomb. Finally, Rob and Jamie chose the piranha and blue thistles.

Anthony and Logan’s final look was pretty terrifying as was Ben and Darla’s look. I’d be afraid of that if I were in a deadly game. I loved the detail for Kelly and Daniel’s final look. Julian and Adam’s monster was a thing of crazy nightmares. Psychedelic as Ve put it perfectly. Emily and Regina’s look came out great which I was worried about since they seemed to have a bit of trouble in the lab. Rob and Jamie’s look was pretty good though it wasn’t my favorite.

The top looks were Emily and Regina as well as Ben and Darla with the top team being the latter and the individual winner being Ben. Congrats Ben on your win (and hopefully engagement!). The bottom looks were Julian and Adam as well as Stephanie and Alan. I was not at all impressed by the latter so either of these two leaving made the most sense to me. Alan was the one eliminated and that was tough to see since I was looking forward to his work on the show but someone’s got to go so…nervous about more of the eliminations! I am loving this cast this season already and usually I’m not as invested this early but for some reason, I am. What do you think?

Face Off airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Syfy.