The Vine: John (Chapter Fifteen)

In today’s edition of The Vine, a spin off of the Sunday Branch feature, my notes refer to John 15 (Amplified Version).

John Archive
John 1
John 2
John 3
John 4
John 5
John 6
John 7
John 8
John 9
John 10
John 11
John 12
John 13
John 14

– The original Greek translation for “take away” is to lift up.

– Vinedresser stays with grapevines for decades. He comes to know each one in a personal way, he knows how the vine is fairing and knows which ones will respond to what, he knows what special care each vine needs, he knows each vine’s personality, he prunes each vine at the appropriate times and lifts the branches at the right time to protect the vines from insects and disease. He brings the branches up higher so they can reach the sun/son.

– As a believer, you are connected. Don’t fear falling, God will catch you and protect you. Branch out and be a disciple for God.

Verse 2 Notes:
A vinedresser is security and makes sure you’re productive and protected.

Verse 3 Notes:
You are cleansed continuously.

Verse 4 Notes:
Don’t be a branch that just hangs out there and looks cute. Dwell in Him.

Verse 5 Notes:
You are not the vinedresser. Be the branch.

Verse 6 Notes:
The unbeliever is the person who doesn’t abide IN Him.

Verse 7 Notes:
He’s talking to the disciples about ministry.

Verse 13-14 Notes:
He’s telling them what’s about to happen to him and showing them what they may have to do as well (be martyrs).

Verse 22 Notes:
They didn’t know they were in sin. If He had not done what He did, no one would think they were in the wrong.

Tomorrow…John 16.