Before you get excited, I have no idea the exact date that I’m going to cosplay but I want to pick a character so that I can start preparing for the day that I do cosplay either sometime later this year or next year. Below are the options I’ve picked out to choose from. What do you think?
Starbuck (Battlestar Galactica)
Who wouldn’t want to cosplay Starbuck? It’s like cosplaying someone from Harry Potter, Doctor Who, or most recently, Katniss. Pretty much everyone wants to cosplay one of the above and probably eventually does. Starbuck is first on my list though!
Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World)
This seems like a super fun, casual cosplay that I could rock all day without a care in the world. I love it. Plus. Blue wig. Yay!
Storm (X-Men)
I love X-Men and think Storm would be super fun to cosplay. I’m not sure if I would go more for one of the movie looks or take more time to get the comic book look right. Probably a movie look though to keep it financially reasonable unless it turns out the latter is easier to do in that regard.
Harley Quinn (Batman)
I always see Harley Quinn cosplayers and they’re always so happy! Not to mention, they rock their looks. Maybe it might be fun cosplaying as this fun, twisted character for a day?
Wonder Woman
I would totally need the cape because that outfit just looks like it would be miserable in the super cold convention centers. I can see myself shivering all day long and just not being happy at all ha ha. I don’t know how much the cape would help but it would definitely be a necessity.
Notable Mention:
Jasmine from Aladdin
This is a notable mention because Jasmine is my favorite and I’d love to cosplay as her but I don’t think it’s practical for me although if there is a way to do it and feel comfortable in the getup, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
Photos Taken From:
SF Gate, Scott Pilgrim the Movie, X-Men Movies Wikia, Batman the Animated Series Wikia, Comic Book Brain, Disney Wikia
So who do you think I should cosplay as?