October 26, 2014 – November 1, 2014
* New series in CAPS
* Reviews May Contain Spoilers
Note: I will not be reviewing Mom as I am a casual viewer of this show.
Once Upon a Time (ABC) – Episode 4.05 “Breaking Glass”
This week, Emma tries to figure out her past history with the Snow Queen and it seems Emma was the snow queen’s foster kid or guardian at one point? Wow! Wow! Wow! I cannot wait for more from backstory here! Major wow. This is one of the reasons why I love this show so much. It is so imaginative. I also love how they’ve woven in the Emma flashbacks here. That was very exciting to see. Truly, a fantastic episode! I am so excited for next week.
The Walking Dead (AMC) – Episode 5.03 “Four Walls and a Roof”
Be sure to read my recap/review of the latest episode of The Walking Dead over at OMFGTV!
Resurrection (ABC) – Episode 2.05 “Will”
Okay, so I thought this week’s episode would be significantly more awesome than the last but it only really kicked into high gear in the second half of the episode and then it was so exhausting what these characters, the returned in particular were going through that it was actually draining. What did you think?
GOTHAM (FOX) – Episode 1.06 “Spirit of the Goat”
This episode was interesting but aside from a small handful of scenes, it wasn’t all that engaging. One of the most engaging scenes did involve the Penguin and Gertrude though we’ve already established how much I adore Carole Kane so I’m biased. Selina in Bruce’s house was something else too! And the ending. Well. Now everyone knows Gordon didn’t kill the Penguin so it’s about to get a lot more exciting!
Photo Credit: CBS Broadcasting, Inc.
SCORPION (CBS) – Episode 1.06 “True Colors”
This crew undermining everyone from a psychiatrist to the FBI? Ha! It’s infuriating if you’re the one on the other side but hilarious watching it. Anyway, I like how they kind of had to play spies and do exciting field work this time around and all it got them was a psych eval! Of course they all passed. I wonder what we can look forward to next week.
The Blacklist (NBC) – Episode 2.06 “The Mombasa Cartel”
Yeah, sooooo this week’s episode was incredibly boring. I feel like I wasted an hour and could have been reading a good book instead. Also, this past week and the week before I’ve noticed a lot of unnecessary (over the top) violence on TV in general, not on cable and it’s disturbing to say the least.
I am really curious about what Liz plans to do with (surprise, surprise!) Tom as her captive. Not that she’s vicious and this relates to my last comment, I’m simply curious. Was not at all expecting that! There are only 2 episodes left before the hiatus and the show returns in 2015. What they build up to will make or break if some viewers continues to watch, I’m sure, so they had better be good.
Castle (ABC) – Episode 7.05 “Meme is Murder”
I actually really liked this week’s episode! The case itself was intriguing enough to really keep my attention throughout the whole hour and there was just enough of the Castle humor that we all know and love. I’d say this is the best episode of the season so far.
The Voice (NBC) – Episode 7.11 & 7.12 “The Knockouts Premiere”
Taylor Swift joined The Voice for the knockouts to help advise the artists and boy, if she weren’t on top of the world right now and had more time, it would be awesome to see her as a permanent coach. She is dynamite. But as for the artists being coached…
Bryana from Team Gwen took on a Demi Lovato number. As someone who loves Demi Lovato, it was very important that Bryana did this performance justice. Not only did she do it justice but I think that was the best performance this season so far! Sugar chose Beyonce even though she already sang a Beyonce number. It as good but Bryana was better. I’m so glad Gwen kept Bryana! And Pharrell wanted Sugar so he got his one and only steal of the knockout round!
Taylor and Troy were also paired together. I love both of them so seeing them go up against each other was sad. Troy sang “Hey Ya” by Outkast and Taylor chose “Mad World” which is an absolutely beautiful song and wonderful for him. Both made the songs their own but I’m glad Gwen heard what I heard and picked Taylor!
Then there’s Team Pharrell. Danica and Katriz went head to head. Danica chose “Saving All My Love For You” and Katriz chose “Superwoman.” Danica of course has a beautiful voice but I wasn’t moved by the performance – which was great but no different from any other great performance from a singer of her caliber. It was perfect but boring perfect. Katriz did more with her performance and that had me rooting for her. As Blake mentioned, she really stepped up! I was somewhat shocked that Pharrell chose Danica but understand why and am actually happy that he did.
Luke and Taylor faced each other this round and I was rooting for Taylor so much even though both are spectacular. Sadly, Taylor was eliminated. But but but my heart didn’t have time to break because Adam, Gwen, and Blake tried to steal Taylor and Taylor chose Adam. I hope the fans keep him in the live rounds because he is so worth keeping around to the end.
Pharrell’s final pair up was Elyjuh and Ricky. I’ve seen amazing covers of “Wrecking Ball” and Ricky didn’t come close to nailing that song. And I guess I’m not hearing what everyone else is hearing because I’m never impressed by that kid. Elyjuh didn’t impress either but he was certainly better than Ricky which is why Pharrell picked him. I don’t know what Adam and Gwen are hearing but Gwen liked Ricky enough to steal him. I doubt he’ll last.
As for Team Adam? Damien took on “How Do I Live” and Toia sang “Crazy in Love.” I wasn’t moved by either of them but Toia did have a stronger voice so I was expecting her to win but Adam chose who he thought was more prepared for future rounds which was easily, Damien.
Alessandra and Mia were paired together. I’ve been rooting for Mia since the blind auditions and Alessandra since the battle round. Mia chose “Human” by Christina Perri. Alessandra chose “Next to Me.” The thing is, Alessandra’s voice is legit effortless but her stage presence is subpar so it made for a boring performance. Mia on the other hand, delivered outstanding vocals and an enthralling performance and knows what she’s capable of and isn’t afraid to go there, so it was great to see Mia move forward with Team Adam.
Finally, there’s Team Blake. Griffin and James went head to head in the knockouts. Griffin’s song choice was the cause of his elimination as it didn’t showcase his voice as much as it could have and this show is called The Voice. Lastly, Tanner and Jessie battled it out. Jessie sang “Your Song” and nailed it. I’m not going to lie, I fast forwarded through Tanner’s performance just to get to the part where Blake keeps Jessie. Who were you rooting for this week?
Photo Credit: Trae Patton/NBC
Episodes 1.07 & 1.08
It’s the finale of Play it Again, Dick this week! In episode 7, we find out that the killer is Clarence Wiedman (Christopher B. Duncan)! Didn’t see that coming! And we also see (Ryan but for the most part) Wallace save Veronica! That was pretty cool! Great character development from Ryan and an awesome action scene that Wallace gets to participate in. Win win!
In episode 8, we find out that it wasn’t Wallace that took the shot that saved Veronica but Duncan (who’s alive)! Oh! And there’s more but I won’t spoil it all for you! Of course, The CW passes on Ryan’s series. Ha! I loved how they intertwined behind the scenes with scenes from the show that he was creating throughout this web series so that we got to see both sides throughout the show.
There’s also not one but two hilarious music videos in the finale which I must mention! If you haven’t caught this series, now’s a good time to watch. It’s only eight episodes and a great pick me up for any Veronica Mars fan.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (ABC)
Episode 2.06 “A Fractured House”
Wow! What an episode! Hydra impersonates SHIELD to attack the UN and that brings for a very exciting clean up process from the real SHIELD team. I thought this episode was great. There was just the right amount of action and I really enjoyed the pacing of the episode as everything progressed. Really solid episode this week!
19 Kids & Counting (TLC) – Episode 14.13 “Jill’s Wedding”
The two hour wedding episode was everything viewers were waiting for and more. It was absolutely beautiful and so exciting seeing not only the wedding but the pre-wedding happenings just hours before the big “I do.” Also, I thought that I’d might mention that as much as I was looking forward to the wedding, I teared up way more when the Jessa proposal promo was shown! Ah! Can’t wait for next week!
Photo Credit: David Welker/AP Images
Arrow (The CW) – Episode 3.04 “The Magician”
Fantastic episode. Man, this was a great week for TV. I loved the Malcolm – Thea – Oliver developments (Oliver knowing that something is different about Thea, the gang deciding to go after Malcolm since that’s what Sarah was doing because Malcolm was part of the league and then became an enemy, etc…) and I love the emotion we got from Laurel. Everything about this episode rocked. The writing was on point and everything came together so well. Can’t wait for next week!
The Middle (ABC) Episode 6.05 “Halloween V”
“Wow. Getting a kiss is sounding very complicated.” – Brick
Brick leaving his friend at his house after deciding that he wanted to go trick or treating was hilarious! Sue’s Halloween party was, as expected, a bust. This was more sad than funny. This girl never catches a break! Sure, the night ends well for Sue but watching her go through so much alone just breaks my heart. Maybe because for the most part, I was Sue and I just don’t like seeing that over and over and over again with her too if I can’t laugh at the circumstance and only feel pity. There was something going on with Axl too but it wasn’t all that engaging. Overall, there have been much more entertaining holiday episodes from the show so this one is a miss. Eek!
Modern Family (ABC) – Episode 6.06 “Halloween 3: AwesomeLand”
“Nibbles!” – Phil
This show nails the Halloween episode every season. I don’t celebrate Halloween but I love their Halloween episodes and this week was another reason why. Claire’s competitive nature got the best of her and shoved aside Phil’s Awesome Land. Jay and Gloria had quite a time figuring out Jay’s costume. Cameron had a costume conflict or a Lily conflict that none other than Mitchell fixed and boy, if I had to pick one storyline I liked best, I honestly couldn’t. They were all so strong!
BLACK-ISH (ABC) – Episode 1.06 “The Prank King”
“Ha! I knew it! Secret Oprah fan! Yes!” – Rainbow
“Yes, I am. I miss her everyday.” – Dre
Pranking is not really my thing any time of the year but the writers and the cast sure knew how to make me laugh this week! What a truly hysterical episode! I love that this show nailed its first holiday episode and that makes me excited for what’s to come. Thanksgiving? Christmas? There’s so much to look forward to!
The 100 (The CW) – Episode 2.02 “Inclement Weather”
Check out my recap and thoughts on the latest The 100 episode over at OMFGTV!
The Vampire Diaries (The CW)
Episode 6.05 “The World Has Turned and Left Me Here”
Stefan’s new vampire pet has caused quite a lot of trouble! And now she’s in a pickle herself. Ha. Meanwhile, Damon and Bonnie figured out how to get home only Damon made it back and Bonnie was stuck with the one who ruined it all for them. Boo! I hope this isn’t it for Bonnie! That would be terrible. Ah! This show stresses me out! In a good way but ahhh!
The Biggest Loser (NBC) – Episode 16.08 “Penalty Box”
The red team won their first challenge of the season. Winning gave them the option to give the blue and white teams one of two penalties… chore duty before working out and a trip to Vegas. So basically, if the red team played their cards right, they had absolutely no reason to “fail” the weigh in and have someone from their team eliminated due to the red line. Well.
The red team lost 23 lbs. The white team lost 31 lbs. The blue team lost 12 lbs. Percentage wise, this left the red team in the bottom, losing Blake who was my favorite contestant this season since she was the young one, making her my peer and on a relatable level, easier to root for. I’m so bummed that Blake isn’t on the ranch anymore! But I can’t wait to see her on finale night!
Photo Credit: ABC
Scandal (ABC) – Episode 4.06 “An Innocent Man”
Abby is back to being a friend to Olivia and confronts Fitz about Jake. Finally, Abby! I hate that it took all of this for Abby to be a friend to her but I’m glad she finally came around. And of course, what Abby and Olivia do works wonders for Jake’s life or death predicament. All of the power is in Fitz’s hands and he does the right thing. Good for him. Finally, Mellie is back to her first lady duties. Woo! And the crowd roars!
GRACEPOINT (FOX) – Episode 5
Eh, this episode was more intriguing than the last and more emotionally heightened, that’s for sure. But I still wasn’t entranced liked I was in the first two episodes of the show. We’re in the murky middle it seems.
Parenthood (NBC) – Episode 6.06 “Too Big to Fail”
This week, we time jump three months as Amber is baby shopping with Drew and later, Amber and Sarah have game night with Hank and his daughter…and we see just how close Amber and Sarah are and just how distant Hank and his daughter are. The important thing, as Amber pointed out, is that Hank is there in her life and he is trying.
Meanwhile, Max’s crush hangs out at his house and that is adorable. Then there’s Crosby and Adam. Their business may be going under and the grace that Jasmine bestows upon Crosby when she finds out shows so much character development, I almost shrieked of joy. Wow. That was such a beautiful scene between Jasmine and Crosby. Beautiful. And the Harry Potter party they throw for Jabbar after they realize they can’t afford a trip to Florida? Man oh man, this show knows how to make me tear up! The things parents do for their children. So beautiful. Tonight was a beautiful episode about sacrifices and giving and it was just one big emotional hour, I’ll tell you that. Absolutely wonderful.
Episode 1.06 “Freakin’ Whack-a-Mole”
Check out my recap and thoughts on this week’s episode of How to Get Away With Murder over at OMFGTV.com.
Haven (Syfy) – Episode 5.08 “Exposure”
Duke calling in a friend, Seth, for help with Nathan, saying “Who you gonna call?” was the winning moment of the night! Thank you Duke for that smile you brought upon many viewers’ faces. So…the developments that Nathan made and Audrey made with Duke regarding Nathan were wild! Whoa! I love that it led up to such a selfless moment for Audrey.
Audrey, who isn’t immune to the troubles anymore, took a huge leap of faith putting herself in the line of fire of a trouble to reach and save Nathan. Wow. She was willing to consume a trouble for Nathan. We know how selfless Audrey is and I expect nothing less, especially when life or death situations involve Nathan and Duke but she took a huge risk here and I’m just in complete awe. It’s easy to let go of the fear of the unknown when you’ve faced so many troubles before being immune from them and maybe part of that fearlessness came through here. I wonder how many more times she will volunteer to be affected by a trouble. What do you think?
Z NATION (Syfy) – Episode 1.08 “Zunami”
This week, a zombie tsunami reaches the crew in Nebraska and forces everyone to hide in morgue slabs while Warren took a body bag! A body bag! That is frightening! I certainly would have passed out or scared myself to death! With all of them hidden away, Murphy left! He was out! And he stole food ad water from a mother and daughter waiting for the husband/father to return. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he noticed the husband/father (outside) had turned so he let open the opening to where the mother and daughter were so the zombie father/husband could go inside! What! Was that s jerk move or a what?! When he finally returned and they all feasted on his finds, when asked, Murphy said he took the food from a dead family. Nice way to spin the truth there buddy.
Then there’s Citizen Z who finally gained a friend in a Russian astronaut who crashed that we end up finding out is a figment of Citizen Z’s imagination. The man’s name is Simon, which we learn is Citizen Z’s real name. Citizen Z has a real name! It was so rewarding to find out his real name, especially after another hallucination. Yeah, another. Remember the first one? Z really needs to find a real, live companion other than his dog soon or he’ll go completely crazy and even his subconscious may not be able to save him. What do you think?
Overall, this was the most heart pounding episode of the series so far and what a fantastic job everyone did making it so! Wow.
Christmas Movies This Week (November 2, 2014 – November 8, 2014)
The Nine Lives of Christmas (Hallmark) November 8, 2014 8/7c