TV Talk: Face Off Episode 7.04 “Twisted Trees” Review

Photo Credit: Brett-Patrick Jenkins

Last week was a busy week for me so I didn’t get to talk about episode 7.04. But I’m here now so… “Twisted Trees” brought a foundation challenge and spotlight challenge. The foundation challenge was to pick a model who already had on a cape/costume and create their own superhero in two hours. Mike Elizalde (X-Men: First Class, Hellboy II) was a guest judge for this challenge. The winner, Rachael got immunity for the week. This pair was safe this week so she didn’t end up needing it but safe is not a top look, so. I really, really liked Rachael, Vince, Sasha, Stella, George, and Keaghlan’s looks. They brought their A game. Talk about fantastic!

The spotlight challenge was to create a twisted tree character by choosing a tree species and each incorporating a malady they were given. And they were in teams again only this time, they got to choose what pairs they would be in. The teams were Jason and Doc (Bristlecone Pine Tree, Malady: Lightning Strike), Sasha and Stella (White Birch Tree, Malady: Burl), Dina and Rachael (Banyon Tree, Malady: Fungus), Cig and Drew (Weeping Willow Tree, Malady: Pests), Vince and Damien (Sequoia Tree, Malady: Rot), & George and Keaghlan (Silk Floss Tree, Malady: Choking Vines).

Jason and Doc were both worried about being a bottom look again and they were on the same team so they were thinking they could come back strong together. It looked like Doc was having some bad luck with the mold at first but in the end, I was very impressed with their final look. From afar, I didn’t think much but up close, wow! It’s one of my favorites. As well as Sasha and Stella which was so creepy and absolutely gorgeous! I was shocked that Doc and Jason won top looks over Sasha and Stella because I was absolutely enamored with Sasha and Stella’s piece. Still, all well deserved recognition all around and Jason ended up winning the top look. Congrats!

I was most excited for Cig and Drew’s creation as well as George and Keaghlan’s. The latter was beautiful. The former was very different and not quite what I was expecting, even taking into account the missing branches that didn’t make it to the stage. It’s no wonder Cig and Drew ended up in bottom looks but I wasn’t the only one who didn’t connect with Vince and Damien’s creation so I expected one of these two to go home instead. And Vince did. So, another week where I’m satisfied with how everything played out. It won’t be like this for long as more weeks pass and the competition grows even more fierce! Who are you rooting for?

Face Off airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Syfy.