TV Talk: Face Off Episode 7.03 “Ancient Aliens” Review

Photo Credit: Syfy

If I have to choose a favorite spotlight challenge so far, this week would win by a landslide. This week’s (individual) spotlight challenge? Ancient Aliens. WHAT?! So cool! When host, McKenzie Westmore and judge, Glenn Hetrick told the contestants the challenge, they also gave them the opportunity to pick a location that would inspire their creations. From Egypt to Cambodia to Mexico, the contestants had a very diverse group of locations to choose from.

Once in the lab, no one in particular stood out as far as anticipating a final look. Sasha appeared to be struggling quite a bit with executing this challenge though and took Dina’s lead. Well, if there’s one person to watch…it would be Dina. Her watchful eye paid off in the best way possible. Good for her! Gwen also had some troubles that lasted well into last looks and up until elimination. Yikes! It’s unfortunate that Gwen couldn’t pull her piece together and even more unfortunate that we won’t get to see her knock a future challenge out of the park. She has so much potential! I guess it’s just not her time yet.

In front of the judges… they picked Sasha, Stella, and Keaghlan as the best while the worst were Doc, Gwen, and Damien. I actually liked Damien’s design (and the potential it had to be even better) but not for this challenge so I can understand why the judges were so hard on it. The best picks from the judges were also my favorites this week, as well as Drew and Dina. Along with Dina, Keaghlan has been a favorite of mine each week so far but Sasha and Stella killed it this week, especially Stella! So it was super exciting to see Stella win this week’s challenge! Bravo! It’s becoming even more clear who can deliver incredible pieces week after week but the season has really only just begun so do you have any favorites yet or are you just enjoying the ride?

Face Off airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Syfy.