TV Talk: Face Off Episode 7.02 “American Gangster”

Photo Credit: Brett-Patrick Jenkins

Last week (review here), I deemed Dina my favorite and Rachael, Keaghlan, George, Damien, Jason, Barry, and Doc as my notable mentions. This week? There were teams!

The cast was taken to Universal Studios where host, McKenzie Westmore told them that their spotlight challenge was to create an over the top crime boss inspired by a real life (but now dead) gangster. This challenge didn’t particularly excite me as I’m not at all into the gangster genre. But it’s Face Off so I know these artists are going to own any challenge and make it their own so that kept my spirits up. And of course, the cast delivered.

The teams and the elements which connect to the real life gangsters were Gwen and Drew (shark), Rachael and Vince (typewriter), Doc & Stella (needles), Barry & Sasha (clock), George & Cig (tuna), Dina & Jason (peanuts), and Keaghlan & Damien (truck).

Well. Barry & Sasha appeared to be having the most trouble during this challenge. The two had completely different ideas for one. Two, Sasha didn’t want any drama so she let Barry have this one in regards to ideas and that’s a lot of trust to put in someone else’s hands! Wow. This could have either gone two ways. Good or bad. Three, they chose to focus on a rat element rather than the clock aspect which they were assigned. The rat element is obviously clever but it didn’t fit their assigned task for the challenge AT ALL.

The two finally found a cohesive flow, at least that’s what Barry said. So. I actually was surprised when I ended up liking their piece. Or at least the potential it had. It came out better than I thought it would with all of their creative differences. But yes, in the end, it could have been much, much better. Especially if they had put more thought into the clock aspect. But with Barry behind the main decisions that fell flat, it was smart of the judges to eliminate him this week. I’m sure he’ll go on to do great things! This show just wasn’t it.

I also really liked the potential of Dina & Jason’s piece and even the final outcome though that wasn’t enough for the judges which is why they were the bottom group alongside Barry & Sasha. If Dina is ever in the bottom two again, sorry not sorry but I hope the other person goes home! Eeek!

So I was really looking forward to Rachael and Vince’s piece as… typewriters, hello! Their piece was great but as Rachael said, bland. Still, I really liked it. I was also really anticipating what Gwen had to offer this week because she made an impression on me last week, I just couldn’t find the right place to put it in my review. But I was on the lookout this week! I did like Gwen and Drew’s piece but it didn’t blow me away. Something about Gwen though just screams WINNING. She’s going to completely blow a few competitions out of the water soon. It’s only a matter of time.

My favorite team this week? Keaghlan & Damien. Check out their piece in the photo to the right. Though Cig and George won this spotlight challenge, as they very well should have! What a brilliantly executed concept. As judge, Lois Burwell said, “This is absolutely the catch of the day!” Ha ha! Puns for the win! Check out their winning look in the photo above.

Finally, Doug Drexler (Battlestar Galactica) was a guest judge tonight which was great to see. Also, going along with this season’s “Life and Death” theme, the judges have a one time immunity power this season! That should be fun to see play out once it’s used. I hope. But what I love about this show is that I really trust and admire the judges and their decisions on the show so whoever they end up saving, I’m sure I’ll agree with, whether I was rooting for them to make it another week or not thinking about them at all.

Who created your favorite gangster look?

Face Off airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Syfy.