Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Blogging Confessions

It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Blogging Confessions.

1. I’m one of those people who will renew my library books (online) 1-3 days before it’s due because I wait until the last minute to read most of the books I check out. On top of that, I can’t renew a book if someone else has requested it so often times, I’ll check a book out 2-3 different times before actually finishing the book. Some books, library books or not, I’ll read right away. Others, I just like knowing that they’re there and I have the option to read it when I’m in the mood. I’m a big mood reader so predicting what I’ll be in the mood for reading for the duration of my checked out books isn’t easy.

2. I used to read just about every book I opened up within a day or two but in recent years, I’ve been more relaxed. If I don’t finish reading a book within average 1-4 days, I can put a book down and not get back to it for weeks or even months. If you add up the time it takes me to read the book, it will amount to the same 1-4 days but it will be 1-4 days stretched out over weeks or months. And these are good books I’m talking about. Sometimes, I’m not in the mood to read the book. Other times, I don’t want the story to end. Sometimes, I need a break from a particular writing style or the world that’s been created. Other times, I just want time to process what I’m reading. There are various reasons why it takes so long to finish a book. I’m not even going to say that I don’t have time because I have plenty of time to finish reading a book, it’s just easy for me to put a book down. Why? Because I read multiple books at once. I wrote all about this in my This Is How I Read post. So, I have a mini notepad to write notes about the books I have to review or I’ll keep an index card in the book I’m reading so I can write notes down so as not to forget anything I want to mention.

3. I used to conduct and post interviews with actors, musicians, writers, comedians, personalities, etc… 1-3x a week! I’ve been blogging for six years and got burned out with tons of interviews and very little feedback. I really want to get back into conducting and posting interviews, though I’m going to be more selective because it is so time consuming transcribing them. It seems like blogs all around have experienced a lack in feedback so I can only do what I know to do and hope for the best. I just hope that this time around, I can discover another tactic to bring in more feedback as well.

4. I’ve realized and accepted the fact that even though I’m well rounded musically, all I really care about covering on the blog is Broadway and Broadway tours and that’s it. At least until I move back to LA. My teenage self would not be okay with only focusing on covering one genre of music but I’m completely okay with this at this point. It’s only temporary.

5. I created the feature, What to Watch This Weekend: Netflix Edition so I’d have an excuse to watch more Netflix. Let’s ignore the fact that I haven’t posted in that feature for awhile. I have plenty to share though. Expect a new post this Friday!

6. Sometimes I just don’t have a whole lot to say about a book so I don’t write a book review but then there’s never coverage about that book on my blog and that doesn’t sit well with me. So I’ve decided that I’m just going to create a post that consists of a roundup of mini reviews for those moments.

7. I only have one bookshelf and if I had more room, I probably wouldn’t donate as many books as I do! Ah! That said, I can’t wait until the day when I can afford to buy two or three copies of a book so I can keep one, donate another, and give away the third.

8. As someone who started out as a blogger, not a “book blogger” or “TV blogger” or “movie blogger” or anything in front of “blogger” so I could blog about anything I want… I get really upset when I hear or see some book bloggers put down TV as if it’s a complete waste of time. It’s not so different from someone who reads adult fiction putting down YA fiction. I rant about this more here.

9. I’ve got a lot of blogging goals for myself this summer and at first, I was daunted by my goals, especially to get all of my Netgalley books read and reviewed this summer since it seemed like a never ending task but I’ve stepped up and am going to say that I am proud of myself and vow to never let it get so out of control again. So far, so good! I’ve got less than a dozen books to go!

10. It’s summer time and us bookish people tend to get excited about reading at the beach but the thing is… I’m not a beach person. I get bored easily so I can go to the beach and read for an hour or two and then I’m so over it and want to go home and read. I like walking the boardwalk but sitting out on the beach for half the day whether reading or not is so not my thing.

What are your blogging confessions?