Where Silence Gathers by Kelsey Sutton
Release Date: July 8, 2014
Publisher: Flux
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal
ISBN: 978-0738739472
Source: Netgalley
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In this companion novel to the critically acclaimed Some Quiet Place, Alex must choose between Revenge and Forgiveness.
Seventeen-year-old Alexandra Tate sits outside Nate Foster’s house, clutching a gun. After serving ten years for the drunk driving accident that killed Alex’s family, Nate has been released from prison. Every night, Alex waits out of sight, building up the courage to exact her own justice. There’s just one problem: Forgiveness.
Alex has been able to see personified Emotions for as long as she can remember, and Revenge is her best friend. But when Forgiveness suddenly appears, he offers Alex a choice—getting even or moving on. It’s impossible to decide when Revenge whispers in one ear … and Forgiveness whispers in the other.
As you may remember, I absolutely loved Some Quiet Place (review here). So I was beyond excited when I heard that there would be a companion book and I am even more happy to say that Where Silence Gathers is a wonderful companion to Some Quiet Place!
Revenge finds me just as I finish my uncle’s bottle of rum.
In Some Quiet Place, the main character can’t feel emotions but in Where Silence Gathers, Alex not only feels emotions but she calls Revenge her best friend. I could go on with the comparisons to keep the element of familiarity alive but honestly, this companion title does such a magnificent job, I don’t even need to.
Readers of Some Quiet Place know what world to expect in Where Silence Gathers but the stories within this world are so unique that it feels like you’re diving into this world for the very first time. If you’ve ever wanted to read a book again but for the very first time, this reading experience is the closest I’ve gotten to that. It’s so familiar yet so fresh. It’s heartbreaking and hopeful. Once again, the main character is grieving but grief is so unique to each person and there are so many different circumstances that lead to grief and so many different actions one can make in the midst of grief.
Revenge doesn’t reach to steady me.
Following Alex’s story was fascinating and intense to say the least. The relationships that Alex has with her family and friends were quite a sight to see as well. After losing her immediate family, Alex has her Aunt Missy and Uncle Saul and while she loves them, her grief has kept her distant. Their loving hands never pull away and that was just so beautiful to see. I don’t think we see enough of that in stories that are out today. Alex’s friends don’t take a backseat either. Georgie and Briana are going through their own struggles just as Alex is but having each other and knowing that they are all there for each other makes such a huge difference. And Angus. Alex’s neighbor. Wow. What a wonderful reminder that help often comes from the most unexpected places.
As for the Emotions… I love how Alex sees the Elements not just as Emotions but as Choices. That is so powerful and really changes the game for the companion novel. I love the direction Sutton went with this novel and I love that with this added element to the story, there’s even more depth to every single word when there already was so much. This is not easy to do. Not at all. Bravo!
Revenge doesn’t protest, doesn’t help, doesn’t encourage me. He just follows.
Now I must mention that I loved when Forgiveness showed up and Alex thought, “I can’t deal with him right now.” Later, Forgiveness tells Alex, “Maybe you’re stronger than you realize.” Can we just bask in the brilliance of these words? Sutton nails the relationships that we human beings have with emotions and choices. She nails it. While pushing herself to do the one thing she thinks will satisfy her, Alex goes searching for answers and the tug of war between Revenge and Forgiveness is the most exciting and terrifying and beautiful war I’ve ever seen on the page.
This is a story about mistakes. Addiction. Consequences. Letting go. Making different choices. And so on. This story has so many secrets and so many revelations and it’s filled with so much tension and hesitation and I am in awe of Sutton’s ability to translate all of this on the page in the way that she has here, once again. It was so exciting getting to see Fear again. I found Disappointment and Worry and Surprise and Death and Hope the most thrilling of them all. But Revenge. Wow. The levels Revenge goes to accomplish his goals astounds me and the relationship that not only Revenge has with Alex, but we have with our own emotions and choices I will never see the same way again.
Worry, the Emotion that I seem to bring out the most in people, appears.
Where Silence Gathers is a beautifully constructed companion title that is so fluid and captivating on every page. It’s truly one of the most haunting pieces of work I’ve read this year and the only one that has me wondering what emotions are sitting beside me at any time of the day. What a phenomenal job here, Sutton! Absolutely phenomenal.
Where Silence Gathers by Kelsey Sutton is available today.