Release Date: February 25, 2014
Rating: Not Rated
Running Time: 512 minutes
It’s Season 4, and where in the heck do the Hecks go from here? As the kids grow up, Frankie and Mike (Patricia Heaton and Neil Flynn) think family life is going to get easier, but they couldn’t be more wrong! Bigger kids only means bigger problems! You’ll reel with laughter as Brick gets an evil pet and a dose of Sex Ed, Sue runs over Axl while learning to drive, and Axl cashes in on Valentine’s Day breakups, while Frankie and Mike come up with a novel way to discipline the kids – something called “The wheel of Pain.” An all-star guest lineup includes Brooke Shields and Jane Kaczmarek as well as comedian standouts Chris Kattan, Dave Foley, Norm MacDonald, Jack McBrayer and Molly Shannon. Warning: Whatever the Hecks do, do not attempt it at home.
Once I finally started watching The Middle, it quickly became one of my favorite shows. I would say this season is my favorite but every episode of every season is so good and that’s a true testament to how on fire the writers are on this show. This show is just as strong as it was when it premiered and that’s not always easy to say for a show nearing (and now in) its fifth season. Getting to a fifth season or 100 episodes, whichever comes first, with the cast and crew as strong as ever is such an amazing accomplishment and everyone on this show should be so proud.
As someone who has always been in the middle class, as a daughter, as a middle child, as a young person who can relate to all three kids and a young person who can now understand and appreciate everything parents do (having never ending responsibilities and then some), this show really hits home. Right out of the gate, the season premiere hits on the topic of who the favorite child and the favorite parent is among each family member. Hilarity ensues.
What’s even more fantastic about this show are the various subplots in each episode, like Frankie and Mike (mostly Frankie) trying to get the kids to play outside in the premiere episode which brought for some serious nostalgia. Even better, the banter between everyone all throughout the episode brings some of the greatest laughs. That’s comedy. When aspects of a show can be broken down to the basics and still be funny. Heck, that’s what this show is all about. The basic, day to day life of a middle class family. And the accuracy is astonishing. It’s truly phenomenal.
The writers also nail the different dynamics among the siblings, siblings and parents, Frankie and Mike as parents, Frankie and Mike as husband and wife, Frankie and Mike and the school staff, Frankie and the neighbors, the kids and their friends, the kids and their love interests, and so on and the cast kills it in their execution of every type of comedy they play out, physical comedy and all. Frankie and Mike trying to bond with the kids, the kids trying to bond with Frankie and Mike…ah memories. Talk about memories.
The kids remind me of all of the reasons I miss and don’t miss being a kid, milestones, school projects, graduation, and all. I related with and enjoyed so much this season not just among the kids like watching Frankie on her journey from unemployment to finding a new job and Frankie becoming depressed over a TV show. Yeah. That’s me just about every single weeknight. This season also provided for some awesome guest stars including Brooke Shields and Molly Shannon. What a season. If you’ve ever watched this show and found yourself laughing, there’s so, so much more where that came from so go ahead and treat yourself with the first four seasons of The Middle or any season, really. Start anywhere. Just start watching. It’s simply that great.
10 Favorite Episodes:
“Last Whiff of Summer Parts 1 & 2”
“Christmas Help”
“Twenty Years”
“One Kid At A Time”
“Valentine’s Day IV”
“Winners and Losers”
“Wheel Of Pain”
“From Orson With Love”
“Hallelujah Hoedown”
“The Ditch”
Special Features:
*Deleted Scenes (14 minutes) – There are 20 deleted scenes from 13 episodes (Episodes 4.03, 4.07, 4.08, 4.12, 4.15 – 4.23). Only Episodes 4.08, 4.20, and 4.21 have multiple deleted scenes. Unfortunately, there is no option to play the deleted scenes by episode or individually, it’s set up to play all for each disc. The scenes that were deleted are either unnecessary, have too much of a dramatic tone than necessary or don’t quite hit the comedic punch from what I can see. I do really wish a handful of the deleted scenes had made it into he final episodes including the deleted scenes from “The Bachelor” and “From Orson With Love,” the prom montage deleted scene from “Hallelujah Hoedown,” and the deleted scene from “Winners and Losers.” Those were definitely winners!
*Gag Reel (3 minutes)
Own The Middle: Season 4 on DVD today.