Exercise DVD Review: 21-Day Body Makeover

Release Date: November 19, 2013
Rating: Not Rated
Running Time: Approx. 120 minutes

The world’s only patented system based on the bestselling book of the same name by creator Edward Jackowski, PhD, features a series of exercises specifically designed to efficiently target trouble spots for each body type, including three body types: hourglass, ruler, and spoon. By doing the correct two, 20-minute circuit workouts designed for each shape, you’ll lose fat and inches where you need to. So break out of that exercise rut and finally get the body you’ve always wanted and deserve!

Recommended equipment: light hand weights and a mat

It’s the holiday season but I know gifts and family time are not the only topics on so many people’s minds. Exercise and New Year resolutions are what I’m talking about. While I don’t make New Year resolutions (as I always make to do lists with short and long term goals so…it’s really no different from any other list of mine), exercising more is always on my list! So I jumped at the opportunity to change up my routine a bit and do a new DVD (as I have my go to workout DVDs…all Jillian Michaels DVDs), the 21-Day Body Makeover.

Unfamiliar with this workout DVD, I first clicked on the two minute introduction by Edward Jackowski. First discussing the three body shapes (hourglass, spoon, and ruler), Jackowski then gives a brief pep talk basically saying that even if the numbers don’t show on the scale, you may have still lost inches which are just as important as far as progress goes so don’t discount this part of progress.

I then went onto the feature, “Determining Your Shape” which has both text to read and an introduction video from Jackowski for each body shape. The text gives a list of 3 best exercises and 3 exercises to avoid as well as a summary and goal for each shape. I’m assuming the list are the bonus feature exercise tips since there is no “Bonus Feature” link on the DVD. If you already know your body shape and what exercises are best for you, go ahead and get straight to working out. If you don’t know or are unsure, this may be helpful for you.

Finally, the workout begins. There’s the option to follow a 21 day plan for your body type OR choose your own workout (there are two workouts per body type, Level 1 and Level 2, each 20 minutes). I chose to try out Levels 1 and 2 of the ruler workouts to determine if I want to continue on with this DVD with the 21 day plan. I love that there’s a brief warm up bringing your heart rate up jumping around but I wasn’t a fan of the stretching as I’ve learned not to stretch before a workout. I also wasn’t a huge fan of the workout beginning on the floor. None of the workouts I regularly do start on the ground so this was just off putting. It didn’t feel right. That said, the exercise moves in the beginning are just as helpful as the moves throughout the DVD.

One aspect of the workout that I really enjoyed? The one minute countdown in the corner of the screen for certain moves. For some reason, seeing the numbers go down distracts me from the workout so I actually get the workout done thinking about (or even better, seeing) the countdown. That said, this workout wasn’t as high energy as I’m used to so it did feel a bit boring to me. That said, a slower pace might be just what someone else is looking for so it really depends on what you like…and level 2 picks up the pace a little more. Still, overall, the slow pacing wasn’t for me and while weights are used in the workouts, they aren’t used enough for my personal taste. While 21-Day Body Makeover isn’t quite my speed or style, it might be just the workout to get you started, so be sure to check it out if you see it in a store near you!

Own 21-Day Body Makeover on DVD today.