Writers, NaNoWarmUp begins Tuesday, October 1st! Get ready for the month long writing session this weekend, you know, the query, synopsis, outline, and any other notes you need to prepare before you start writing! I highly recommend using Scrivener if you don’t already for your writing. Once you go Scrivener, you never go back!
So…what is NaNoWarmUp? A month for writers to write 25,000 words in October leading up to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in which writers write 50,000 words in the month of November!
I typically don’t write about my writing life on this blog (at least until things progress) but I wanted to make sure you all knew about this in case anyone wanted to participate! Writing is so solitary, it’s nice to find gems like these so we know we’re not alone on this journey! To find out how to participate in NaNoWarmUp, click here. I’ll be tweeting about NaNoWarmUp and participating in the discussion questions on the NaNoWarmUp blog come October, see you there!