10 Returning Shows You Aren’t Watching & Should Be

It was tough making this a list of ten but somehow I managed to break it down to five dramas and five comedies that you need to be watching and chances are…you’re not. I want to see all of these shows on the air long after this TV season but it can’t happen if we’re not watching when it counts. So…

Here we go!


Photo Credit: Jordin Althaus/NBC

(NBC, Season 5 Premiere Thursday, September 26, 2013 at 10pm ET)
If there’s one drama you start watching this year, please oh please let it be Parenthood. This show will make you laugh, cry, throw things… it will evoke every emotion possible. I didn’t cry often until I found myself a mess every week during this show. It will gut you. Everything about this show rocks. The characters, arcs, relationships, storytelling, etc… all excels. Seriously, what are you waiting for? Whether you’ve seen the 1989 Steve Martin film it’s based on or not, you have to watch this show.

(ABC, Season 2 Premiere Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at 10pm ET)
This show was always on my radar and I meant to watch the Pilot but I never did. Then the week I intended to catch up, I heard about a certain guest star appearing on the show which totally killed my enthusiasm…so I never started watching. But one friend whose recommendations I always take watches and enjoys the show, so I decided to catch up and wow am I glad I did. Let your reservations about this show fall to the wayside. You’ll be very happy you gave this show a chance. Might even buy a song or two.

Hart of Dixie
(The CW, Season 3 Premiere Monday, October 7, 2013 at 8pm ET)
Let’s go back to before this series premiered. I was SO excited about Hart of Dixie…until I saw the promos for it. Let me tell you, whatever promos you saw before the series premiered that turned you off…complete misrepresentation of the show. One day I thought, “I don’t even know why I haven’t watched this show yet, I know promos can be misleading and I have a feeling I am missing out. Find season one right now and watch it, fool!” And then I went on Netflix and had a marathon. It was glorious.

What I loved most about this show is also something I found to be a bit jarring at first but only because I wasn’t used to it being so present. Many of these characters aren’t likable right off the bat. In other words, they’re real people. Their flaws and weaknesses are just as present as their strengths, sometimes more and I can’t tell you how refreshing that is to see. It’s not that kind of show where you’re rooting for everyone from the get go. You’ll grow with these characters in ways you will not expect. The character arcs are truly some of the most astonishing and under-appreciated arcs I’ve seen in a long time. Plus, this show has the perfect balance of drama and comedy…I honestly couldn’t ask for more.

White Collar
(USA, Season 5 Premiere Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 9pm ET)
I’ve been with this show since before it premiered. Even dedicated an entire week to the show on the blog after I went on location and had the opportunity to interview the cast. Needless to say, this show holds a very special place in my heart. After it premiered, I continued to fall even deeper and deeper in love with the show and am happy to say that four seasons later, it has not faltered. This show knew what it wanted to be from the get go and delivered. It was very grounded in itself from the beginning and knew what stakes to raise, knows what twists to make and keep us coming back. Jeff Eastin and his team are brilliant. I repeat, brilliant. I’ll watch any show this guy runs (Hint: Watch Graceland), he is THAT good.

Orphan Black
(BBC/BBC America Season 2 Premiere April 2014)
The premise won me over from the very beginning and while I knew I’d love this show, I had no idea how grand that love would be. Saturday nights are not the same without Orphan Black. Tatiana Maslany was robbed of an Emmy nomination this season and for that, I will never look at the Emmys the same (and I love the Emmys). She killed it playing what 8 roles? She’s the best clone Hollywood has ever seen. If there’s one freshman series from last season that you want to watch, let it be this one.


Photo Credit: FX

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
(FX, Season 9 Premiere Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 10pm)
This show is not for everyone. It’s politically incorrect and pokes fun at the ridiculousness of well, everything while also making you look at some of the most, actually I mean every controversial and taboo subject you can think of in ways you never thought you would. I LOVE this show. I can’t recommend this show enough. Because of the show’s formula, it honestly could go on forever and be just as entertaining as any other season. It’s timeless. Watch this show!

The Mindy Project
(Fox, Season 2 Premiere Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 9:30pm ET)
I admit, I wasn’t sold on the Pilot until about half-way through…and even then I was still a bit skeptical as to how what worked for the Pilot would work for the series moving forward. I am so glad that I watched more than the Pilot. This show was my favorite new comedy of last season so I have high hopes for season two. Because Mindy Kaling is behind this, I don’t expect there to be a sophomore slump so I guess that means the pressure is on for her to kill it this season.

The Middle
(ABC, Season 5 Premiere Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at 8pm ET)
I caught on late to this show, for the same reasons I caught on late to Hart of Dixie. I let the promos rule my decision to watch until I caught an episode and laughed so hard it hurt. Next thing you know, The Middle was in my Hulu queue and I caught up in no time. Talk about a relatable show. Oh my goodness. This show. Thank you everyone involved in this show. You guys are rock stars. Thanks for making me laugh.

Photo Credit: Miranda Penn-Turin/FOX

Raising Hope
(Fox, Season 4 Premiere Friday, November 8, 2013 at 9pm ET)
Sure, there are episodes that are a little out there but it works if you watch this show in order. If I had seen one of the really out there episodes without seeing any of the others, I may have turned my head to the side and been really confused and taken aback by the ridiculousness of it all. It’s so illogical and silly but within all of the craziness, this show has heart and has a message to tell. It works. It totally works. I wrote all about it here. This show takes chances and at the same time doesn’t take itself seriously. How in the world can the two work together? Just watch. You’ll see.

Cougar Town
(TBS, Season 5 Premiere 2014)
Comedies are so subjective and it drives me crazy because I’m like, “No, it’s funny! Oh my God, this is so funny!” Meanwhile, the people on the couch are like, “This is so stupid.” There’s clearly a theme though as to the kind of comedies I gravitate towards. On the surface, it’s so absurd but when you reflect on it, you’ll get a lot out of it. So watch Cougar Town. It’s really silly and the rhythm of this show is so much fun but there’s so much to appreciate here beside the giggles. For instance… penny can! Okay, that may not be a good example but… “Penny can!”

Will you start watching any of these shows this TV season? What are some shows you want to catch up on?