I am getting very excited for fall TV! So excited that I need to get my mind off fall TV by talking about summer TV! So excited that I’ve decided to get back to “TV Week in Review” which I haven’t done since May 2010! Here’s the last post. Don’t worry, this time I’ll actually write with paragraphs hahaha.
When I started “TV Week in Review” the year I started blogging in 2008 up until the most recent post in 2010, I talked about the following shows: Heroes, Chuck, Flash Forward, V, The Vampire Diaries, Dollhouse, Stargate Universe, Caprica, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Leverage, House, Desperate Housewives, Melrose Place, The Good Wife, Privileged, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, 90210, Pushing Daisies, Samantha Who?, The Office, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Ugly Betty, Lipstick Jungle, Eastwick, and United States of Tara. It’s all in the archive. Only three of those shows are still on the air! A moment of silence for the rest of those magnificent shows.
Okay, so expect the 2013-2014 “TV Week in Review” to be slightly the same amount of shows give or take a few that I choose not to review this season and the few freshman series that I’ll end up giving up on as the season goes on. Anyway…here’s what I think about what’s on my radar this summer:
Favorite Freshman Series: GRACELAND (USA)
Favorite Continuing Series: Continuum (Syfy)
Favorite Reality Series: Big Brother (CBS)
Notable Mentions: UNDER THE DOME (CBS), Who Do You Think You Are? (TLC), Extreme Weight Loss (ABC)
Series I Don’t Watch Enough: Warehouse 13 (Syfy)
Reality Series I Don’t Watch Enough: So You Think You Can Dance (Fox), Push Girls (Sundance)
Series I Have to Catch Up On: Covert Affairs (USA), Switched At Birth (ABC Family)
Series I Gave Up On: Falling Skies (TNT), Melissa & Joey (ABC Family)
Series I Don’t Watch But Would Recommend: Whose Line Is It Anyway? (The CW)
Series To Watch That Have Yet to Premiere: HEROES OF COSPLAY (Syfy, August 13), Face Off (Syfy, August 13)
Photo Credit: USA Network
Graceland is fantastic. I knew it would be good because Jeff Eastin (White Collar) is behind it but I didn’t expect to fall in love with the show as much as I have! Way to go Eastin! Also, how cool is it to see Aaron Tveit who I know and love from Next to Normal on Broadway on the small screen? Go, Aaron! Continuum is going strong. The first half of the season started off a little slow but it has really picked up! This season of Big Brother is not my favorite but it will definitely go down as one of the most memorable seasons because it has gotten so personal. What am I talking about? The racism, bullying, etc… that shadows essentially every house guest. More on that here.
Under the Dome had an intriguing premiere and gets better as each episode airs. I love the mystery and tension between the characters. Even if the show does seem to move slow at times, there’s an art to it on this show and that’s something that I can appreciate. As for Who Do You Think You Are? and Extreme Weight Loss, I’ve been watching both shows since the beginning (WDYTYA, EWL) and they haven’t faltered.
What can I say about Warehouse 13? I’ve been watching since day one. There was a lack of chemistry early on but I held on because I knew the show, these characters, these actors were going somewhere and they did. They grew, the stories grew, everything bloomed beautifully. But the past two seasons have really been a let down. I’ve watched episodes here and there this season and will be faithful to the fifth and final season (which will only be six episodes) but I don’t see myself catching up on the episodes I missed in season four. Then there’s So You Think You Can Dance which I only watch when I remember to and Push Girls which I only watch when there’s a marathon on so I can binge on it.
Photo Credit: ABC Family
The two shows that I wish I could tweet about each week but can’t are Covert Affairs and Switched At Birth. I’ve only seen the first two episodes of Covert Affairs season 3, so I have to catch up on the entire seasons 3 and 4 which just started last month. I’m also 9 episodes behind on SAB. As much TV as I watch, it’s actually not a lot to catch up on but I’ll take my time with both. My Netflix queue isn’t getting any smaller. (Speaking of, I seriously cannot wait until Hart of Dixie Season 2 releases! Number one in my Netflix queue!)
It was easy to give up on Falling Skies because I never really connected with the characters and I didn’t love the direction the show went this season. Can’t say that I’ve watched Melissa & Joey since the first half of season two but I will always recommend it to younger viewers and families with middle school aged kids. It’s a great show. I’m just not the intended audience for it and it’s clear as I’m kind of over those type of sitcoms. But it’s a good sitcom. I’m also not watching Whose Line Is It Anyway? but only because I haven’t remembered to watch. Yes, I think my mind is forgetting on purpose because the original series has such a special place in my heart. But I am determined to remember to watch at least one episode of the reboot. I do love host, Aisha Tyler and am glad three of the original comedians are back but something just tells me that it won’t be the same. Has anyone caught it? What do you think?
Finally, there’s HEROES OF COSPLAY and Face Off. I am stoked about the cosplay series, especially as I gear up to decide what I want to cosplay as at SDCC next year. Whatever I decide won’t be nearly as awesome as what’s featured on the show but that’s why I can’t wait to watch! To see what talent is out there! Speaking of talent…Face Off. Ugh. It makes me sick how much I love this show. I’ve been watching since day one and fell in love immediately. Now, I can’t wait to see past contestants compete again as vets against newbies! This season is going to be crazy! It’s been a great summer for TV so far and we’ve still got plenty to look forward to!
What are your thoughts on what you’re watching this summer?