My Thoughts on Week 1 of Big Brother 15

What a week it has been in the Big Brother house! Of the seasons I’ve seen, I must say this is probably the quickest I’ve come to disliking the majority of the house guests. This usually doesn’t happen until month two. Month two! But more on the house guests in a minute. Let’s talk about the twists.

I will love the three people nomination twist more when Elissa is not the MVP. Right now, as some of the house guests mentioned, it seems like the MVP is geared around Elissa. I honestly didn’t even think about that until the house guests brought it up but it makes so much sense now that they’ve said it. It didn’t even cross my mind that the viewers voting could in fact make Elissa the MVP every week she’s in the game. What a nightmare that would be. Better get her out now!

Although, although, although…who is she targeting? Because if she’s targeting the people America hates, fine by me. Suddenly, Elissa is one of the house guests I’d rather see in the game longer than most others. My only issue is that if Elissa stays in the game too long, she could find herself winning this game just like her sister, Rachel. I don’t want to see that. Let someone with no ties to the game and someone who is actually a fan of this game (glad David is gone! Hallelujah! But he’s not the only dud) win. But I’m rambling, so back to the MVP…

I had no idea how the MVP twist would work and now that’s it’s clear how it does…I’m glad that the house guests were all told about it at the same time. Keep all of them on their toes. It’s odd that nominating the third house guest each week is the only power the MVP has though. For the MVP, I expected more. Although perhaps one major power as opposed to a handful of medium powers evens out? How long will the MVP twist stay active? When there’s a double eviction, will the routine go as it usually does or will the house guests just vote for one of the other two people on the couch? So far, the MVP power has worked well. But it will work even better when people don’t actually know who the MVP is! Now to the house guests…

As predicted, Nick and Spencer are in the same alliance. “Moving Company?” Really? My first thought: That’s a terrible alliance name. Now, I don’t mind it. Ahhh! What do you think? Anyway, of this alliance, the main person I am rooting for is Nick. Then McCrae and Howard. After reading this article, I can’t say that I am rooting for Aaryn and Spencer anymore. It’s a shame too because Aaryn really knows this game and could play a fantastic game if she weren’t stuck on David and so rude. I was never rooting for David, Jeremy, and GinaMarie but I definitely won’t be moving forward. Same goes for Jeremy. He seems to be in an alliance with the majority of the house. How has no one figured this out yet? Especially based on what I’m seeing he’s saying on the lives feeds.

Anyway, I am on the fence about Kaitlin but the rest of the house, I am rooting for (well, definitely not rooting for that wildly conceited girl, Jessie). For now. My favorite house guests are without a doubt, Nick and Amanda. The house seems to be onto these awesome players so I’m really hoping they are safe and I am really hoping this year’s winner is someone we can all respect. Some of these house guests make Rachel and other unlikable house guests look like angels. My goodness.

Some other comments…I’ve enjoyed watching the competitions so far. Helen reminds me of Amber. Remember Amber? The one who cried like every 5 minutes? Ahhh! That was a great season. Anyway, week one wasn’t the show’s finest so the producers have really got to work their magic (and rig away) to make sure any number of certain people don’t win this game. I assume the reason they brought in past house guests in most recent seasons is because of ratings. If the producers think they have a ratings problem now, wait until they give Jeremy or Aaryn $500,000. Ha.

What do you think about the season so far?