21 Reader Questions: All I Need by Susane Colasanti

Today, instead of a straight review, I’m mixing things up a bit. I think I’m going to make it a habit of telling you about the latest book I read by answering 21 questions. There will still be reviews, but some people might find this style interesting as well. If you have a better title for this feature or questions you think I should ask, be sure to leave a comment! Tell me what you think and we’ll see how it goes!

All I Need by Susane Colasanti
Release Date: May 21, 2013
Publisher: Viking Juvenile
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 978-0670014231
Source: Hardcover from BEA 2013
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Skye wants to meet the boy who will change her life forever. Seth feels their instant connection the second he sees her. When Seth starts talking to Skye at the last beach party of the summer, it’s obvious to both of them that this is something real. But when Seth leaves for college before they exchange contact info, Skye wonders if he felt the same way she did—and if she will ever see him again. Even if they find their way back to each other, can they make a long-distance relationship work despite trust issues, ex drama, and some serious background differences?

Teen favorite Susane Colasanti returns to the alternating-voice style of her beloved debut When It Happens in this Serendipity-inspired story about summer, soul mates, and the moments that change our lives forever.

1. Who were the most memorable characters?
While Skye and Seth were certainly memorable, the character that really sticks out the most for me is Seth’s dad. Does anybody else want a whole book following Seth’s dad? I know it can’t just be me. I have so many questions about the decisions he made in life that led him to where he is now.

2. What point of view did you enjoy the most?
I preferred Seth’s point of view over Skye’s because I always find it refreshing to get inside a guy’s head and Susane Colasanti did a marvelous job!

3. Which characters did you want more from?
I definitely wanted more from Adrienne. Of Skye’s three closest friends, I definitely think Adrienne got the least amount of screen time. Did she fall off the face of the earth once Kara and Jocelyn started scrapping?

4. Which character name is your favorite?
I just want to say that when I started reading this book, I read “Skye” as “Skype” more than a couple of times. Yeah. Too much social media for me. Anyway, my favorite character name is definitely Adrienne.

5. How did you connect with the main character?
I connected with each main character on different levels depending on circumstance and I guess if you tallied it up, I connected with Seth more.

6. Which relationship did you enjoy reading the most?
I actually really loved seeing the relationship Skye had with her parents and the relationship Seth had with his. A round of applause for parents even being present in the story! I loved seeing the different dynamics and hope this is something I can look forward to in more of Susane Colasanti’s books that I have yet to read.

7. What were your initial thoughts on the premise?
Well, I’m not a romantic but I picked this book up because I wanted to mix up my reading routine. I’ve read Susane Colasanti before and knew that one of her books was just what I needed, so that’s what initially drew me in. I actually glazed over the synopsis, so I really didn’t know what this book was about until I started reading.

8. What setting had the best imagery?
While many might expect the beach to be the answer to this question, aside from Center City, Red Bank, WaWa, and other places nearby (since I grew up and live in NJ), the rink had the best imagery for me. It was just a ball of nostalgia really. I loved it!

9. What line or scene made you think, “I wonder how much research it took to write this?”
There were so many references to places all over NJ and in Philadelphia all throughout the book, so I know Susane did her research. I know Susane lives in NY but not much else although she doesn’t seem like the type of person who’d just stay in the city she lives in. I think while much of it was research, she gets around her neighboring areas which is always appreciated. I’d encourage everyone to get out of their towns and venture out. You never know what or who you’ll run into, what you’ll learn, and where inspiration will hit.

10. What did you notice most about the author’s writing?
She is so good at Voice. Every character has such a distinct voice and that’s not easy to do.

11. What was your favorite quote?
“…Make yourself at home in my luxurious four square feet of space.”
“I’ll yell if I get lost.”

12. Which scene resonated with you the most?
The bathroom scene. You know, that scene when Skye goes in feeling one way and comes out feeling another. Brilliantly written. Every guy should read it to see what goes on in a girl’s head and every girl should read it to see how erratic we look.

13. What theme/symbolism struck you the most?
This was a theme in the last Susane Colsanti book I read and I have absolutely no problem with it also being in this one. Not giving up. Sure, there’s doubt but Skye and Seth don’t give up and I found that to be truly fascinating. No matter what stage in the relationship, how can you not be fascinated by the things people will do for love?

14. If this book had a theme song, what would it would be?
Actually, every chapter title is the title of a song and they are all so perfect but I don’t want to spoil anything for you. So you’ll have to read and see!

15. What did you learn or what was enforced for you?
Aside from not giving up, I’d have to say keep your eyes open. It’s one thing to know what you want and need but you can’t hold onto something if you’re not willing to see the whole picture, the good, the questionable, and the ugly.

16. Did you read this at the right time in your life?
I don’t think this would have made a different impression on me if I were younger. But if I miraculously turn into a romantic some faraway day in the future, perhaps I’ll re-read it.

17. Any pet peeves?
Since I don’t read a lot of contemporary romance, I don’t know if this is the norm or not but I really wanted to get to know more about Skye as an individual. While their relationship had enough depth to root for them, I still felt like I needed more from Skye to appreciate her. I think I learned enough about Seth but at the end of the read, what do I really know about Skye?

18. Which did you like the most, the title or cover? The storytelling, writing, or world building? The opening or conclusion?
I love, love, love the cover. I loved the storytelling! In order for me to get swept away in a genre I don’t read often, I had to really sink into the opening. And it worked!

19. Can you rate the pacing, transitions, and the middle on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the best?
5 for all three.

20. If you read this again, would it be as an audio book or on your kindle to annotate?
If I read this again, I’d go the audio book route on the way to the beach.

21. If you put together your dream cast for a movie adaptation, who would play the MC?
Oh gosh, I’m terrible at dream casting. Maybe Taissa Farmiga or India Ennenga and Shane Harper. I don’t know.

All I Need by Susane Colasanti is available now.