Thanks to your votes, mainly in person votes, Lenore Appelhans and I will be watching Gilmore Girls for our TV Watch Along!
If you’d like to participate, the approach is essentially the same as a Read Along but if you’re not familiar with how it works, the guidelines are below!

* If you choose to participate (watch and answer the weekly discussion questions), we ask that you participate for the entirety of season one. I will be participating in all seven seasons of the series but you do not have to.
* The discussion questions will be posted every Monday. You’ll have all week to answer them. Choose any 5 of the questions to answer on your own blog or any 3 of the questions Lenore & I answer that week to answer yourself in the comments of Presenting Lenore or Hollywood the Write Way.
* There will be one question that will be asked each week which will be the opportunity for you to review a specific episode if you would like: What is your favorite or least favorite episode this week and why?
Note: This schedule may change depending on the number of participants and our schedules.
Mondays: Discussion Questions Posted on Hollywood the Write Way
Season 1 – COMPLETED
Week of May 13: Episodes 1-7
Week of May 20: Episodes 8-14
Week of May 27: Episodes 15-21
Season 2
Week of August 12: Episodes 1-3
Week of August 19: Episodes 4-6
Week of August 26: Episodes 7-9
Week of September 2: Episodes 10-12
Week of September 9: Episodes 13-15
Week of September 16: Episodes 16-18
Week of September 23: Episodes 19-22
Week of September 30: Episodes 8-14
Week of October 7: Episodes 15-22
Seasons 3 – 7
Dates TBD
Again, if you participate, you do not have to participate for all seven seasons. Only season one is required. Now, while I did watch Gilmore Girls when it was on the air, I did not watch the show religiously. When the show went off the air, I did love watching the series in syndication on ABC Family. So, I can’t wait to finally watch every episode in order! I’m so excited!