Doctor Who: Limited Edition Gift Set is Coming Soon

Release Date: November 20, 2012
Retail Price: DVD $249.95 ($294.00 in Canada)
Running Time: Approx. 4242 mins + bonus material / 41-disc set

Whether you’re shopping for the Doctor Who fan on your holiday list or looking to introduce the Doctor into someone’s life for the very first time, this limited edition set is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Or buy it for yourself, because c’mon now- would you really want to give this away? Collecting the complete series 1-6 featuring Christopher Eccleston (the ninth Doctor), David Tennant (the tenth Doctor) and Matt Smith (the eleventh Doctor), the gift set includes over 70 hours of Doctor Who in all. It also includes hours and hours of bonus features including 3 new Doctor Who Specials coming to DVD for the first time ever, a collectible 11th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver, 3 original art cards and the comic book, “Doctor Who at Comic Con.” It’s hard to imagine how so much content can fit in such a tiny box- you don’t think it’s bigger on the inside, do you?

Just in time for the upcoming 50th Anniversary comes the Doctor Who: Limited Edition Gift Set which I definitely have on my Christmas/Birthday list! I’d also take the Tardis robe, 50th Anniversay 2013 journal, Tardis ornament, or Tardis Christmas Stocking if anyone is indeed keeping track.

Interested in getting any of the following or browsing the Doctor Who shop? For BBC America shop, click here and for the BBC shop, click here. Happy Holiday Shopping!